AoneAStarStar's 2008 predictions, done last January 4, 2008. Late post, I had to rummage through all my old school stuff. It was on the back page of my notebook. Hahaha.
Anyway, I'm gonna cross out the things that have happened. Funny, nagkatotoo nga yung iba.
- Allan will have a girlfriend -- Merbs
- Mauuna work ni Allan before girlfriend. -- EC
- EC will have at least 40k in his bank account. -- Cis
- Allan will quit his first job. -- EC and Cis
- Allan's work will not be according to his course. -- Merbs
- Leigh will become a teacher sa CSA. -- EC and Nik
- Something will happen to Leigh by September - October. -- Cis (Ano ba yan, how vague can you get?!)
- Merbs will remain single but will meet someone within the year. -- Cis
- Merbs will be super rich in 2008. -- EC
- Allan will not be a bank person. -- Cis
- Paulo will leave the country. -- Merbs
- Allan will still not know how to drive. -- everyone except Merbs
- We will go somewhere north! -- Cis
- May madadagdag sa gang (Allan's gf daw.) -- Allan
- By December, EC will have gained 10 pounds. -- Allan
- By December, Allan will still not have gone to the gym. -- Leigh
- Nikka will work in marketing. -- Allan
- Leigh will not be in law school. -- Leigh
- Cis will not have a new girlfriend in 2008. -- Leigh, Cis, Nikka
- Allan will have a job by June. -- EC
- Hindi makakapili ng job si Leigh. -- Allan
- Walang tatalo sa record in EC na walang work (except Cis.) -- EC
- Merbs will work in a restaurant, not in a hotel. -- EC and Allan
- Mars will work in Laguna. -- EC
- Paulo will find work immediately. -- EC, Allan
- Nikka will have a new look for 2008. -- Merbs
- EC will take his work serously! -- Merbs
- We will eat where Merbs works at least twice! -- EC
- Cis wil stay in the family business. -- EC and Nikka
- EC will want another job after a couple of months. -- Allan
- Leigh will join at least one game show on TV. -- Leigh, Nikka, Merbs
- Leigh will learn how to cook! -- Merbs
- There will be a crisis in the middle of the year. -- Nikka
- The Zambales trip will push through! -- everyone
- Paulo's work will be related to his course. -- EC
- Nikka will move to Posadas. -- Nikka
- Cis will have a car and will be our transpo for the year. -- Everybody except EC
- Allan will buy and ipod immediately. -- EC
- Gwapo DAW si Allan this year. -- Nikka
- EC will buy at least 3 pairs of footwear. -- Allan and Nikka
- All of us will work in Makati. -- EC
- Errol will have a new "interest." -- Nikka
- Mars and Paulo forever! -- Cis
- Nikka will cut her hair super short. -- Nikka
- Allan will buy clothes with his first pay day. -- Cis, EC and Merbs
- Leigh will have a business. -- Merbs
- Allan will not change his phone. 3310 forever! -- EC and Merbs
- Allan will have a love life but no girlfriend. -- Leigh
- 2008 will be a good year!