Starbucks, friendships and conversations

May 05, 2008 12:48

I'm thinking maybe the reason why I like going to Starbucks and to random coffee shops in general is because I like the conversations that go on over coffee.

It has been a long time since I've had a real Starbucks session -- a couple of hours of talk about the randomest of things, sticks of Dunhill Frost (or Marlboro menthol if funds are running low. haha.), and my usual iced grande caramel macchiato. I miss the people I go to Starbucks with -- Allan, Francis, Jodel, Bennett, Tady, Cha and Karla. I have come to love the place because I loved the people I went there with. (mushyneeeeessss. hahaha.)

But seriously. Starbucks really isn't the same without a good friend there, with whom you can talk about the most random of things. I miss conversations about lochness monsters and giant squids. I miss talking about politics, philosophy and theology, and how these things affect our lives now. I miss the gossip, and the usual dissing of Jodel's waley jokes and the pretend "I'm-gonna-read-my-handouts-here,-so-I'm-going-to-use-my-ipod-so-that-I-can-tune
-you-out" moments.

Perhaps I just miss having real conversations with people I like talking with. You know, the kind of talk wherein you just blurt stuff out and the other person won't take it against you or against anyone. The kind of conversation wherein everything just flows; no awkward pauses in between topics, when the both of you are thinking of what next to say or what topic to open up next.

Anyway, I don't know if I'm still making sense. I think I really just miss talking with my friends over coffee. Hahahaha. Guhhreaaat. (4 paragraphs summarized into one sentence! My writing skills are deteriorating by the minute!)

Bottom line -- Let's go out? Text me! (Basta coffee dates lang. I can't afford anything else right now. Hahaha. Unemployment sucks!)

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