Harry Potter and the Half-Baked Plot?

Jan 17, 2010 20:00

I just finished the sixth of the Harry Potter books (yes, I know I am woefully behind), and I must say, I very much enjoyed it.  I was a bit worried after reading Sirena's thoughts on the matter that the book would fall flat, perhaps worse so than Order of the Phoenix.  Instead, I found myself enthralled throughout, and quite pleased with the pacing and characterization.

I find it interesting that Malfoy's character, who receives a sympathetic treatment in the film (an aspect of the film which I thought was spot on), did not get much time in the book.  I was hoping to see him humanized in Rowling's text, but that never really came about.  Nevertheless, the book was still great, despite the nauseating love subplots.

8.5 horcruxes out of 10 for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
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