Two great videos I came across during mental work time out.
Security camera records a really, REALLY drunk guy attempting to get more beer from a store. Some brilliant vidder on Teh Internetz gets the footage and remixes it with silent film piano music and cue cards.
Click to view
86-year old WWII veteran stands up at the Maine public meeting on the marriage equality bill to say, "What do you think I fought for" on the subject of gay marriage.
Click to view
As addenum to the above: the judge hearing the lawsuit challenging Proposition 8 in California
asked the defendant lawyer for the group that sponsored the bill to explain how allowing gay couples to wed threatens heterosexual couples. Defendant lawyer's response? "I don't know." Indication is that when the matter goes to trial the judge expects the defendants to bring evidence to demonstrate exactly how gay marriage threatens heterosexual marriage, and I don't think he means the
gay marriage --> turtle bestiality diagram.