mikes an ass. merry christmas eve everyone! lol

Dec 24, 2004 21:52

tOday is ANOTHER day full of unfortunate eVents. haha. i woke up to mike Texting me ass hole text's.. some ppl are really fucking evil.. its scarey how evil a person can get. what the FUCK did i EVER do to mike. here's our convo from last night..

Crunk Live: sorry
Crunk Live: i was makin a bunch of food and it was all burning
Crunk Live: so what did u do tonight?
Leah J 2 0 0 4: NOTHING!
Crunk Live: why?
Leah J 2 0 0 4: im fuckin grounded. yes. grounded. how gay is that? im like 19. y the hell am i getting grounded
Crunk Live: wow
Crunk Live: and what for?
Leah J 2 0 0 4: i gotta REALLLY fucking drunk one night, and i crashed at angels, but usually we set the alarm clock to 5am, then i go home and be home before my dad wakes up, but we def didnt set it cause we were trashed, and my dad called at 6:30am and was like WHERE THE HELL ARE U LEAH!?
Leah J 2 0 0 4: and i was like, umm.. im playing cards over my friend tonya's house, rofl, what time is it?
Leah J 2 0 0 4: and then he told me, and im like o shit
Crunk Live: thats gay
Leah J 2 0 0 4: i couldnt think of a better excuse, cause i was still kinda drunk, and jus got woken up
Crunk Live: angel is a queer
Leah J 2 0 0 4: hah
Leah J 2 0 0 4: he's the best guy i have ever dated
Crunk Live: really
Crunk Live: im sure u have come across much better
Leah J 2 0 0 4: nope.. i have never had a better b/f
Crunk Live: o, well i would FUCK you ten times harder and make you cum at least 5 times before i would once and give you the best sex you have ever had in your life.. so dont talk shit to me about losing your virginity becuase as far as i see you are still a virgin, and you have no idea about what having a real man and real BIG cock is all about
Leah J 2 0 0 4: i dont care about that..
Leah J 2 0 0 4: i thought u knew that.. guess not
Crunk Live: well u sould like a whore to me
Crunk Live: so thats why i said it
Crunk Live: cuz i could have fucked u if i wanted to
Crunk Live: but i chose not to waste my time and hurt you like that
Leah J 2 0 0 4: well that is human
Crunk Live: but i guess angel decided fuckin another virgin would be nice
Leah J 2 0 0 4: thanks
Leah J 2 0 0 4: no
Crunk Live: lol
Crunk Live: sure
Crunk Live: you know nothing about guys
Leah J 2 0 0 4: angel is not like u obviously.. shit.. y are u being like that
Leah J 2 0 0 4: yes i do
Leah J 2 0 0 4: he is different
Crunk Live: trust me, u dont know shit
Leah J 2 0 0 4: u dont know him
Crunk Live: and let go
Crunk Live: haha
Leah J 2 0 0 4: i cannot believe u
Crunk Live: u have no idea
Leah J 2 0 0 4: yes i do
Leah J 2 0 0 4: u have no idea about girls
Crunk Live: you are being played u stupid slut
Leah J 2 0 0 4: trust me
Leah J 2 0 0 4: ur just mad i dont like ur ass
Crunk Live: lol
Leah J 2 0 0 4: and i gave my v-card to someone that actually gives a fuck
Crunk Live: fuck u
Crunk Live: whore
Leah J 2 0 0 4: fuck u
Leah J 2 0 0 4: ur dirty as hell
Crunk Live: no
Leah J 2 0 0 4: and u know im not awhore
Leah J 2 0 0 4: tahts why ur upset
Leah J 2 0 0 4: lol
Leah J 2 0 0 4: sorry hun
Leah J 2 0 0 4: haha
Crunk Live: u are
Crunk Live: ngel
Leah J 2 0 0 4: mm okk
Crunk Live: angel
Crunk Live: yea
Leah J 2 0 0 4: dont talk about angel
Leah J 2 0 0 4: u dont know him
Crunk Live: known him for 2 months and lose ur virg
Crunk Live: whore
Crunk Live: lol
Leah J 2 0 0 4: nah
Leah J 2 0 0 4: not 2 months
Crunk Live: i could have took it in two weeks
Leah J 2 0 0 4: sorry
Leah J 2 0 0 4: rofl.. U DEFINITLY COULDN'T have taken it
Crunk Live: but didnt give it a try cause my girl is ten times better lookin than u
Leah J 2 0 0 4: and i KNEW thats what u wanted neways
Leah J 2 0 0 4: dont think im stupid
Crunk Live: bye
Leah J 2 0 0 4: u wish ur girl was
Leah J 2 0 0 4: lol
Leah J 2 0 0 4: thast y ur cheating on her
Leah J 2 0 0 4: good one
Leah J 2 0 0 4: lol
Crunk Live: u are ok
Leah J 2 0 0 4: mr. YOUR HOT TOO!
Leah J 2 0 0 4: mmm okay
Leah J 2 0 0 4: haha
Leah J 2 0 0 4: no, i know im hot
Crunk Live: ok
Crunk Live: i will tell u the truth
Leah J 2 0 0 4: so u can say all u want
Crunk Live: i stopped chillin with you becuase all your freinds are fat and ugly
Crunk Live: like u
Crunk Live: bye
Leah J 2 0 0 4: okay..
Leah J 2 0 0 4: haha
Leah J 2 0 0 4: bye sweetie
Crunk Live signed off at 3:25:34 AM. (*cause i blocked em..haha*)

****** Seriously where the fuck did that come from? how do i meet these fuck ass's?! im gonna kill one of these horrid ass holes one day. cannot believe him. a guys favorite word is whore. well i dont think he'll be saying whore ne more if i find his truck, cause it will be saying whore engraved and will never go away. and who will wanna buy a whores truck? noone. who will wanna ride or be w/ a guy that says whore all over his truck that his parents bought him and he's fucking 20? NOONE... GOD I HATE SOME GUYS.

and my brother trying to tell me angel is using me n shit. but i will forgive him in the future, cause he doesnt know angel, and neither does mike.. it doesnt make me sick that they say that about angel exactly, even though thats i guess a big part of it, but it makes me think that they say that cause most alllll guys ARE seriously like that. it scares the hell outta me. and im so happy that i didnt loose it to someone that would ever turn into a fucking devil like mike did. i say, im 19, i know alllllllllllllll about ass holes and what they do and think, so dont preach to me that i know nothing, and that angel is gonna break my heart or some shit, and that he just wanted to fuck a virgin, cause its simply NOT true. if u dont know someone do NOT judge them.

further notes.. my mom isnt dead, (I was worried cause she hasnt been returning my phone calls) she had been working ALOT. o well. i went to borders and got my dad a gift card there for christmas. packed out EVERYWHERE. craziness. then went to pick up aj, then to the bank, then home. ate dinner w/ the family.. mmm steakk w/ garliccc... then i went to work, where i got in HUGEE fight w/ my manager, cause he was yelling at my for something i didnt even do, and he ALWAYS DOES that to me, and im totally sick of it, so i started cursing him out, and telling him not to yell at me like that if he doesnt know whtat the FUCK he's talking about. and my arianna was like joans the one that did it, and he called both of us liars, and i was like o go fuck ur self! dont come here and act like u own everything on ur 4th day hear! dont dare act like u fucking know me, and what i can do, cause bitch, i can train ur ass! i have been their longer then him, i have been there longer then even the GM!! god.. i get no respect there. and no, im not fired. haha. after awhile, we closed, and we had a rafle to get a few shirts and a dvd. and i was trying to buy my dad a dvd player for christmas, but i couldnt afford it, so i really wanted it, plus then i can rub it in juans(the ass hole manager) face.. how about they drew my name and i was like HELLL YEAHH! and then they said that the guy that pulled it looked at the name and pulled it out, and that he cheated. and i was like OMFG! ARE U KIDDING ME! and he did cheat, but damn! is that my fault? lol.. shit. i have the worst luck, i was like FUCK U ALLL I QUIT! HAHa and i started walking out and everyone was laughing (i was jus *kinda* joking) but damnnn lksajdflksd.. then i went to the movies w/ keri, aj, n my dad to see the jim carey movie again. and now im home. waiting for tomorrow and what that will bring me. wish me luck. im sick of this chain of bad luck i have been having :/
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