Survey.. BORED AS FUCK~!

Oct 28, 2004 00:16

Bored? ((Over 100 questions))

Created by xSwtLilAngel666x and taken 44142 times on bzoink!
[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]What's your name? ::LeahBirthplace ::Brooklyn, NYAge ::18Age you act ::18Current location ::Apopka, FLEye color ::HazelHair color ::BlackRight, lefty or ambidextrous? ::RightyZodiac sign? ::PiscesHeight? ::124[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]Your heritage/nationality ::American lol (Italian, and Irish) mostlyYour hair ::WavyYour fears ::Getting Cancer, Another Car wreck, and Kidney problemsYour perfect room ::MineWhat you practically do in a day ::school, nap, party[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]Words you overuse ::like, fuck ass, fuck, assmunch, lol, hahaPhrases you overuse ::what the hell/fuckYour first thought when you wake up ::FUCK SCHOOL I HATE IT!Your greatest accomplishment ::Graduating High SchoolSomething you want to do ::Graduate College[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]Pepsi or Coke ::PEPSI! (its soo much less syrupie)McDonald's or Burger Kings ::BuRger King! Mcdonalds makes me sick!Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::Oh shitt.. umm Christina, she's real and actually knows how to singChocolate or vanilla ::ChocolateAdidas or Nike ::AdidasBlack or white ::BlackBills or Coins ((Think $$$)) who the hell would say coins? stupid ques.Burgers or hot dogs ::depends if i feel like hurling or not. lol.. hot dogs make me sick, but their good, and burgers only sometimes make me sick. lol BOTHEgypt or France ::France! duhRock or rap ::Depends what kind of Rock. Soft rock - yes... Med. Rock - yes... Hard Rock - Hell no... Degrading women rap - hell no... Other rap that has a good beat - yes........ lol[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]Smoke ::When i get really pissed or stressed.. maybe like 2wice a monthCuss ::FUCK NO lolSing well ::Depends what im seeing.. lolSing in the shower ::When i take early showers, usually i cant cause i get home at 4am.. lolTalk to yourself --a lot-- ::nope.. never... if i did, it would creep the fuck outta my own self.. lolBelieve in yourself ::umm depends in what..hahaLike taking these longass surveys? ::When im bored as FUCK and their's noone calling me!Play an instrument ::Piano, Flute, learning guitarWant to go to college? ::Im in CollegeWant to get married? ::Some day... FARRFARR from right now though.. lolWant to have children? ::yeah.. along time from now though once againThink you're a health freak? ::hellllll no... lol.. more like a junk food freakGet along with your parents ::Dad - never ... Mom - most of the time, when shes not in her bitchy moodsGet along with your siblings? ::Kerianne - Sometimes...A.j. - Yes, when he's not talking about they ways he's an ass hole to women.. lol... Ruthy - YesThink you're popular ::It all depends where. lol.. school? no!... lol clubs? yes[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]Gone out of state ::YupDrank alchohal ::lil too much maybe lolSmoke ::yupGet high ::not in the past monthDone any drugs ::nopeEaten an entire box of oreos ::nopeBeen on stage ::of course! lolGone skinny dipping ::nope.. havent done that since i was like 8! haha.. i should do it again though.. aneone wanna join? lolBeen dumped ::nopeDyed your hair ::yupStolen anything ::yup[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]Craziest ::JenniLoudest ::BrittanyMost shy ::Tiffany, AmandaBlondest ::TiffanySmartest ::BrittanyKindest ::Tiffany / AmandaBest personality ::I love all of their personalities but Tiffany has somethin diff i guess, then JoshMost talented ::TonyaBest singer ::TonyaMost ghetto ::lmao.. TonyaDrama Queen ((or King XP)) ::JenniPain in the ass ::Amanda lol (love ya)The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::Tiffany, and of course Josh.. lolFunniest ::Josh, then JenniBest person for advice ::Josh, Gina, RicanDependable ::ReginaTrustworthy ::Amanda, BrittanyDruggie ::Brittany.. lmaoMost likely to end up in jail ::Jenni or Brittany.. lol (brent.. omg)Person you've known the longest ::Tiffany[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]Last dream ::a Wet one.. lmao..Last nightmare ::hmmm i forget..Car ride ::coming home from my moms houseLast time you cried ::like 20 min ago.. lol.. Wife swapLast movie seen ::Cinderella StoryLast movie rented ::Cinderella StoryLast book read ::Dating Diaries.. still on it.. damnet.. still havent finished that last harry potter! lolLast word said ::W/eLast curse word said ::Fuck of courseLast time you laugh ::last night. wow lol.. at ricanLast phone call ::AmandaLast CD played ::Alanis Morissette's New CD (out is through)Last song you listened to ::No clue.. but im listening to "Out is through" in my head.. lolLast annoyance ::My Father.. he's such a bitch sometimesLast IM ::ToyaLast weird encounter ::Taquisha on the road.. haha...AND i jus found out one of my friends (brent) was arreseted for kidnapping a girl! holly shit.. he had the biggest crush on me.. this is so weirdLast person you hugged ::AngelLast person you yelled at ::Prob angel.. lolLast time you wore a skirt ::a week ago?Last time you've been evil ::lol 1 mili second agoSarcastic? ::all the timeLast time you fought with your parents ::2 hrs ago (dad)Last time you wished upon a star ::The Last meteor showerPlayed Truth or Dare ::Lmao.. at angel's party w/ TonyaSpent quality time alone ::Right now :)[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]Are you talking to someone on AIM ::no, for once.. NOONE is on! lol grr..Do you feel lonely ::yes, at the momentEver TP'd someone's house ::umm..actually no..gotta do that some day ay?How about egging someone's house ::lmao.. OoOo good timesDo you not like dislike not like me? ::yeah w/e lolAin't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::jus fine w/ me when their not treating women like hellYo Momma ::JOE momma bitch! lolEver been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::umm.. can't say i have..hahaWhat do you think of George Bush? ::He's great.. and not dumb.. how the fuck can u be president if ur dumb?! im so sick of ppl saying that! lolAny secret fetishes? ::Many. lol.Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::Yeah.. its the cutest belt EVERHow many languages do you speak? ::One! lolDamn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::nOpeGlad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) ::Then No.. lol.. i have enough stalkers :)
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