Hmm..well i just figured that since i am leaving this friday (half a day) that i would update and tell everyone that i wont be around to get into trouble!:( But i will be back tuesday th0. So everyone have a go0d weekend and be SAFE!!Haha. YEA RIGHT!:0 Just playin..but dont do nothin that i wouldnt do!(that's not limiting you to alot) ;)Haha. well on with the rest of life while i have time...
- Family - There go0d!(well other than the constant fighting of me and the evil stepmom!)But the rest of us are go0d th0!
- Fr|ends - Awes0me!;) dont know what i would do without them!They are all there for me when i need them. The only thing i'm not exactly feelin right now is the fact that i never get to hang out with any of my old friends that i miss so FREAKIN much! But hopefully that will get better with time!=)
- v0lleybalL - It's great right now..But the Gatecity game is tomorrow and it is the most inportant game of the season && my daddy has to work and wont get to make it!:( that sucks a big one!Hopefully we will win and make it all the way after that like last year!=) But that's all on that topic!
- Trev0r Curt G|les - We are w0nderful of coarse! we hav'nt faught near as much this time around!Haha.* I lobe that kid to death is all i have to say bout that th0!
But i gotta go and talk to my brother since i never get to see him anymore! Love you guys!
Laura Bro0ke Mullins