Never a Question (Integra/Alucard flopsy), OotD chapter 2 posted

Dec 11, 2009 01:02

Ummmm I have a bit of catching-up to do.

First, I recently - and finally - posted the second chapter of Out of the Dungeon. Already have several scenes written for the third.

There are, as always, many different scenes floating around my head. I have a couple definite WIPs which I really hope to make more progress on in the near future. I also mean - as ever - to start a series of short random scenes on fanfictionDOTnet, because there's no reason why they shouldn't be posted.

I also posted on integraxalucard a drabble (or flopsy, if you wish), resurrecting something I wrote ages ago. I titled it Never a Question, and it's 235 words. It's all ~*~experimental~*~, or rather just inspired by fated_addiction.

He introduced her to blood.

- how your world can change, with a bullet in your shoulder -

She knows Walter doesn't approve, but she doesn't ask him. He's not a question, this new vampire who is hers, whom she can feel in her blood. He is not a question. When she nearly died, would have died, something stopped it and it's part of her life now.

She sleeps with her face buried in the fur in the back of his neck because there is no other way. He probably does contribute to her nightmares [demon], but at least he's there when she wakes up, body stiff and not knowing if she's dying.

Daylight, learning her father and leaning against the cold body, enclosed in his arm like a grave. No one else, after all. No living person. Walter keeps his distance; Walter is teaching her her new place, and when he does think to reach out toward her, she knows he sees her as just a girl, and ducks away.

The thought occurs to her -

all she has left is death

his fingers at her throat

how far do you trust me?

and someone inside her screaming to give herself to him, but it has to be the darkness and she must be the master.

You're mine anyway.

She knows it.

[Walter has to know, the fear squeezing her breath -]

But he was never a question. Walter knew this too.

hellsing, integra/alucard, wips, writing, integra, out of the dungeon, fanfic

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