why is it that when i turn on the olympics its the americans that are booing everyone else and being big mean fat heads?
ANYWAY, summer is just about over. (bummer.) fall is on its way, (great! favorite season.) i had so much this summer, and i'm sad to see it go, but hopefully the fun will continue through the school year. i mean, its my senior year, its not like i'll actually be in school. haha.
so hey, i took some pictures today. i went to the cliffs for the first time, and it was really a great way to wind down the summer, but its a bummer that today was like... the first really nice day all summer. and i'm not really exxagerrating. haha. so cool kids don't talk, they just post pictures.
mitch. bitch. mitch bitch.
so the cliffs were kind of intimidating at first. (i was scared. i was afraid i was going to either mutilate my genitalia or break my neck on sharp rocks.)
emma wudn't scurved!
sorry, i dont' have a clever caption for this one, be creative. it kind of looks like dutch is going to barf.
i have more, but i'm feeling lazy, sorry! tomorrow is my last day of summer, i hope it doesn't rain.