amazing things of finals time

Jun 03, 2005 19:52

I had my first final today.  I think it rocked =).  I'm working on my 22pg paper now.  I have 2 pages so far! BUT Emily and I did watch how to lose a guy in ten days.  Yeah, it's been very productive day.  Anyway, here is a virtual tour of the doors in my dorm.

the door of the guys' quad.  my next door neighbors. They're four, so i guess that's why they have a big for thought.

This is Brenda's closset's door.  She's the custodian, but she still gets a board on her door.

This is my door.  Rachel left a drunken message on it and we still haven't ereased it.  BTWs, the heart is leftover from Valentine's day. HA! My fish isn't on the door because i took it off and saved it for history.  I'm already packed and almost ready to go...stupid finals get in the way of all the fun.  ugh

Emily and Jaquelyn's door.  It's much more decorated than all the others.  If you look closely, you can see our hot pilates picture.

Jamal's door.  He sings. Loudly. I love him.

that's enough for the tour....
i don't want to write my stupid paper!!!!


here's my motivation:

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