I’m going to use the R word. Yes, that freakin’ R word; a distant cousin of the race card. If there was ever a way to make mainstream America roll their eyes at you it’s by pointing out a very obvious truth: Hollywood seems to hate latinos. There, I said it.
Clearly, I’m being dramatic with my statement but let me elaborate.
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Very quick - I followed your logic for most of the post until you wrote "As far as family, Latinas should have latino parents and family the way nature intended it to be… otherwise it is flat out insulting". I find "the way nature intended it to be" as extremely problematic. What if she was adopted? Or was mixed? Or what if she was Mexican-American or whatever and had one parent who was full on Latino and the other white as they come? Or if that was further on down the road? Point is families and people come in all shapes and colors and dimensions and for us to be throwing out phrases like that have often been used against us (think anti-miscegenation laws) and other marginalized people is a bit...scary. Just some thoughts.
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