Dec 08, 2004 21:46
well.....ive yet again wated to long to update and also chose one of those "uneventfull" times that i have lots to right about ...and not the time...nor the will to type it all in.... at the moment i have a lot in my mind...but no words for it.... me and matt.....well lets just say im FINALY getting a hint.....sorry to me for takeing so long... i kind of like someone eles.....but he dosnt know i excist..and i wouldnt date hium anyway ::becouse hes not mathew:: and also....hes part of the "emo/hardcore" group and id never live it done w/ so sick of sick of everything....... ive been thinking about suicide lately...... not like id do it.... but...its on my mind.....sorta.....whatever......please ppl....dont be concerned.....