(no subject)

Dec 15, 2005 09:02

So things are finally starting to get settled. We're into our apartment and almost totally unpacked! Yay. I'm not ready for Christmas AT ALL. But i never am at this time of the year and i always manage to pull it off. I figured out what im getting for Adam. Gotta make a few more calls make sure it's all worked out but i really hope he likes it, i think he will. :)

Only 3 more weeks till we find out what the sex of the baby is. I can't wait to know for sure. I really do think it's a boy concidering in all of the dreams i've had it's been a boy. Though i would LOVE to have a little baby girl in family, i think we're getting yet another baby boy. What can i say me and my sister just don't have girls. Wierd....but i shall know for sure shortly. I'm starting to feel the baby move a lot more. Yesterday is felt like he was doing flips over and over again. It was the coolest and wierdest feeling ever!

I never knew what it was like to miss somebody that you live with. When i lived with my ex boyfriend i got to the point where i couldn't fucking stand him. I never had my own space...he was always there and all i wanted was a little time to myself. It's SO refreshing to actually miss Adam while i'm at work. We can come home and totally do our own thing but still cozy and love eachother whenever we want. It's the perfect balance. The best part is, he even thinks I'm beautiful when i'm walking around our place with no make up on and my pregnant belly hangin out. :) I never thought my perception of love would be such a beautiful one. :) :) :) I'm so happy.

Anyways....sorry to bore you with feelings and such. :) Buh bye

Have a wonderful Christmas to all of you i won't be seeing soon. :)
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