Dec 13, 2005 20:10
So I worked 10 - 6pm today. It was okay, Mark has this discount table out the front, in the arcade, and I sat out there for a total of 4 hours ... meeehhh. Once I had punched all the scratchies, I sat there, doing nothing but telling people to go inside to pay, and smiling vaguely off into the distance.
I'm annoyed at the trolley boy who works at the shopping centre. See, when I was at the Forum before, there were trolley boys a-plenty, and they were all very good looking, too. Whereas here, there are two. And they both piss me off with their 'oh-let's-go-talk-to-the-girl-at-the-table' type of conversation. I'm not one to judge on looks, but oh. My. God. Seriously, people. Why can't you do something about it?
Other people who annoy me at work? There is a South African lady who works at the 'Scoop-n-Juice' bar across from our shop. She stands there the whole time doing nothing, I kid you not, because no-one comes to her freaking juice bar. So after awhile, she gets bored and wanders in our shop, and looks at our tables, and makes comments to me about all the people passing by, because I must give off a freaking aura of "I Care."
New topic --- Crazy People At My Work
There is crazy old lady who comes in to our shop every single day. Thankfully, we're not open Sundays. If we were, no doubt she'd come in then, too. But I digress.
I think she must have a slight personality disorder or something (read: mental, but that's not the right term), because she has trouble talking, hearing , processing things. Now, I KNOW you will be all, "oh but I know this person who has trouble doing all that etc. but THEY'RE certainly not mental blah blah". I know you will be like that, and I'm getting in first here. There's something about her, and you can just TELL.
Sorry, digressing again.
She smells. Have I mentioned that already? And it's not just your ordinary "eww that person needs some deoderant" type of smell. It's a smell that just permates the whole shop (and our shop is not small). It makes you gag, and you can literally feel the vomit coming up. Oh. My. God. And what makes it even worse is the fact that she stops to talk to "MARK! MARK!" for about 10 minutes. Ergh. Excuse me. I'm feeling really sick just thinking about it.
Don't get me wrong, old people rock. All old people are cool. But she just stretches my patience.
Sorry for the rant. Rants are evil, because they never make any sense, especially when I have one.
Taryn, my work buddy, was very sad today, because he BF cheated on her with her ex. And she's one of those people who seriously make the air go all depressed. And to top it off, Megan was her unbearably perky self.
I swear, if I worked full time at that newsagency, I would Go. Insane.
Sorry this entry made no sense.
old women,