(no subject)

Mar 21, 2005 11:54

I guess its time for another update from yours truly. I'm on the verge of making a gym out of scratch. Anyway, more important things, Bee came in the other night. It was good to see her again, we talked for a minute and she went to bed, and so did I. Breakfast that morning was crazy, I was too tired to help make it *laughs* so the boys got kinda cranky. A little advice, get cranky back, it works. It's spring break for mostly all of us I guess, and its 12:11 and their still in the bed. Who woulda guessed?

Anyway, alot of drama has been going on. Gets ya kinda stressed out, no doubt. The 24th, though, is gonna be crazy I bet. I'm like Bee, if I get drunk, its wild. Nobody believes that though *laughs* until they actually see it. I wouldn't count on that happenin' though, depends on who tries to do it *glares* then it'll get ugly. *laughs* kidding, most likely. Anyway, I think I'll go wake them all up, and if not, I'll just blast some kinda music. They yell, but I'm only goin' for one *laughs* and if he yells, its on.

Lacey mean girl

 old movie

Magazine of 1998

This is like the best picture of me

Damn...I look like Paris Hilton with Brown hair

This takes you through my whole travel bag

My Bee

Now thats funny

Hamptons..bad idea
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