Mar 01, 2006 17:01
oh my gosh. i haven't updated in monthssss. psh i'm so bad. so, midwinter break..where to start?
-we left on a monday to go to the city, and because my uncle gave us tickets, we went through long island. eh, made the journey a little bit longer, but i didn't really mind it.
-we stayed at the Omni Berkshire Hotel, and there was this hilarious bellman Joey who kept telling us all about the famous people who had stayed there. He was york, a thick accent and all. the rolling stones had been there a while back, so that was kind of cool to find out.
-the main purpose of the trip was to look at colleges: NYU, Columbia, and Princeton. I wanted to go to NYU-my dad chose the other two. go figure. They were all really nice schools overall
-my friend Amy goes to NYU, so I gave her a call, and she took me all around the city! sooo much more beneficial than going around with my parents. I got to see her dorm, we ate pruscuitto from an Italian grocery store in Little Italy, had pork puff pastrys from a Chinese Bakery in Chinatown, and went to Magnolia Bakery for cupcakes (the bakery from sex and the city). such a lovely afternoon!
-I went shopping on 5th and around that area..sooo much fun. but the most random thing ever..I look over in the makeup department of Macys and I see this girls face that I KNOW i know..she's tall, gorgeous, and I automatically assume I know her from magazines/runway shows. She's looking at me curiously too. Turns out she graduated from my tiny highschool 2 years back! I KNOW this girl! Haha so we talk for a while, I find out that she is actually doing some modeling in the city, and absolutely loves Columbia [the school she goes to now]. It's certainly a small world!
-I decided I wanted to go on some of the modeling open calls as well. I was extremely well prepared for rejection because well, it's New York. You can be the most gorgeous girl in the world and still get rejected from agencies if you don't have the look of their agency at the moment/season/year. so nervously i went..
-NYMM and IMG both said that I was "very pretty, but not what they were looking for at the moment." yeah thought so. But, I met two prospective models there: Sabrina and Eva. Both are about 2 years older than me, and soo gorgeous. Sabrina had dark brown hair and was about 5'9"--a classic beauty. Eva was fairskinned and exotic from the Dominican Republic--I originally thought that she was Brazilian. We met at the open call for IMG where they dismissed all three of us, and decided to try another Open call together! So, I took a cab with both of them to OHM.
-The guy from OHM was extremely encouraging. It's a very small agency, but I spoke directly with the owner because they are in the process of moving to another location. Sabrina got down to business, asking direct questions and if we had a chance or not. He said, really, that he wouldn't have even been talking to us if he didn't think there was a chance. He thought her look was more commercial, mine more editorial/runway. He thought that I would have a lot of success in the New York market, to which I had a very large smile! He also gave some suggestions on how to present ourselves, taking polaroids, etc...SO HELPFUL!
-I went to dinner at the Waldorf=Astoria and lunch at this deli on 7th. I saw this basketball player Jackson or somebody at the Waldorf, and Sara Paxton from Aquamarine/Summerland at the deli. I didn't know who she was at first, but found out later from tv. We were sitting right next to each other at tables..she smiled at me, and I smiled back, because she had a really cute outfit on [haha that sounds so superficial]. no, she seemed really nice!
-I got an appointment with the Scouting Director for Elite Model Management [I won Elite Model Look 2005 for washington state back last July]. I just wanted to see what was going on with the contest and everything...apparently, the lady in charge of it disappeared off to Argentina! Elite's office is so cool..bright white, lively, modern, and with models coming in and out of it. She talked with me for a while about my age etc...I still have a "young face" and clear braces which are coming off soon, so she said she wanted to keep in touch and see how I develop. She also took some pictures which she was going to send to Elite LA and see what they said.
she also wanted me to get in contact again with an agency here in Seattle, who also wanted me to come back in when my braces came off.
regardless of what happens with everything, this was such an amazing experience and I couldn't have asked for more excitement on my [what i thought was going to be] boring college tour.
Hope you all had fabulous breaks as well!!!