Just because I'm bored, and think these are funny...
Read the disclaimer first.
This is MY LJ and if you don't like what I put in it, don't read it. No one is forcing you to. Don't complain if you like Bush, I don't care. This is just humor. I got these from dubyaspeak.com, EVERYTHING on this post (except the disclaimer) is from said website. You don't like it, complain to them.
WASHINGTON POST: Why do you think bin Laden has not been caught?
DUBYA: Because he's hiding.
-- Dubya offers a ludicrous answer to a serious question, interview with Michael A. Fletcher and Jim VandeHei of the Washington Post aboard Air Force One, Jan. 14, 2005
That's been the proven example around the world. Democracies equal peace.
-- That's because democracies never go to war... Oh, wait a minute. White House, Jan. 7, 2005
She is a fabulous First Lady. I was a lucky man when she said, yes, I agree to marry you. I love her dearly, and I'm proud of the job she's doing on behalf of all Americans. Just like I love my brother.
-- I'm not sure how to digest the last sentence, Jacksonville, Florida, Sep. 9, 2003
After all, this is a guy that tried to kill my dad at one time.
-- So that's why Dubya wants to send in the troops, Houston, Texas, Sep. 26, 2002
Everybody in Crawford says hello, starting with Laura. She is doing a fabulous day. I tell people it's because she's from Midland, Texas.
-- Dallas, Texas, Mar. 29, 2002
I've been to war. I've raised twins. If I had a choice, I'd rather go to war.
-- Dubya doing a sterling job of belittling war and parenting at the same time, while also backhandedly manufacturing a war record for himself out of thin air, Jan. 27, 2002
Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.
-- LaCrosse, Wisconsin, Oct. 18, 2000
You're working hard to put food on your family.
-- Greater Nashua Chamber of Commerce (New Hampshire), Jan. 27, 2000
Listen, the other day I was asked about the National Intelligence Estimate, which is a National Intelligence Estimate.
-- Oh, so that's what it is. Washington, D.C., Sep. 23, 2004
Laura and I will thank them from the bottom of my heart.
The benefits of helping somebody is beneficial.
Sometimes when I sleep at night I think of "Hop on Pop".
And one of the things we've got to make sure that we do is anything
Border relations between Canada and Mexico have never been better
You teach a child to read and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.
I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe -- I believe what I believe is right.