Brandon Harriman isnt dead.
I think that after a certain point in your schooling, that you should have to take a test. A test that determines whether or not you should be able to just go on and graduate and go to college, because honestly, Im tired of learning things i already know..and then learning things i don't care about..I also think the graduation exam is stupid, and pointless if you have a GPA 3.0 or over...Because if you have a 3.0 or over, then obvioulsy you know all the stuff...Bleh I just don't like school, I don't like learning things i already know..Being in a "magnet school" for most of my life its hard to adjust to having to go the same speed as everyone else, Im a fast learner, and i make good grades, and im in honors classes, maybe i shall try AP next year...But I doubt Mrs. Glover would put me in AP...Its not my fault her class is boring and i dont have straight a's, thats not my fault, i can't pay attention unless its interesting. Take history for example, I made a 96 on my exam, a 94 for the semester, and didnt study a thing. The class is fun, therefore i learn better and can retain things...Math is an ok class, i have an 86...Biolgy is fun, I have a 93, German is fun, 85...Do I see a pattern here? The only class i make a bad grade in is the boring class...I am a GIFTED STUDENT...I need to use my GIFTS for other things than sitting in a room, totally quiet, listening to Mrs. Glovers "sounds like i have a major sinus infection that wont go away voice" talk about some stupid american literature that im never going to use again...And Instrumental music sucks balls.
Ok so back to the going ahead and taking a test and going to college. I'd rather do that, because then i'd be learning about stuff I want to know, and I be in a place that i want to, and there isnt so much drama, yeah it would be more work, but these honors classes arent cutting it for me...
Only read that if you want my opinion of my self and my classes...
So anyway. It's cold in here. and 59 degrees outside.
Brandon and Brian Harrimans birthday's are tomorrow. YaY for the big 1-6. I shall call them at 5:45 in the morning.
I think thats enough for today, Im tired, and thirsty, and sorda im going to eat, get a drink and go to sleep...