Jun 29, 2005 17:44
well Monday i didn't do like anything. I was just in the house and I didn't really feeling like doing anything cause im just a lazy bitch =] Mostly the whole night I was just on the phone and shit. That night was hilarious though, Lindsay - I DON'T HAVE TiME TO KNiT A BONNET, OR A PAiR OF BOOTiES. GOODNiGHT. hahah Lindsay's brother is fucking hilarious. We were on the phone till at least 3:30am that night. Then in the morning on Tuesday [yesterday], me and Lindsay made plans and i went over there right after i took a shower, and I didn't even do my hair or anything lol. We watched tv and ate nachos cause well, we can't eat nachos without eachother haha that just wouldn't be the same. Hmm Lindsay gave me her pink pants and these sunglasses that she didn't want anymore. I love them both though lol. I borrowed one of her shirts too. Lindsay had to get ready for her hair appointment tho at like 4:30 so we just sat in the bathroom and talked while she was getting ready about how people change and how everyones just gay now. Her mom brought me home at like 5 and I didn't do anything after that. People were fighting in my house, but I couldn't sleep at Rachel's because i didn't have a ride & later on Dianna & Melissa called me because they we're bored and they said the summer sucks so far. I was talking to a few people online about stuff and it seems like the same shit is happening to everyone with people they THiNK they love, but it's all a bunch of bullshit. It's really sad tho. Umm i've been signed on invisable for like the past week cause yeah, I just run away from practically everything cause i can't stand being hurt anymore. I act like shit doesn't bother me in person but really this bad feeling stays with me no matter who i'm with, or how much fun I'm having. Theres only one person that can fix this, and it's not gonna happen and I just have to deal with it. It's on me to TRY to fix at least something but i can't bring myself to do it. I wish i didn't act the way i do =/ i make everything really hard on myself. Courtney - we're def making that club & we'll def find out EVERYTHiNG whether it kills us haha.
I see people don't think it's that funny to prank call me anymore, but whatever blow up my cellphone if you wish too, it's always interesting to talk to random fuckers that leave you messages when they don't even know you. Everyone, please just stop being a fucking idiot. thanks.
Well i still don't know what im doing tonight, Melissa asked me to sleepover, but i don't know if i am because she might have plans with Matt and i'm going to the mall with my dad tonight, i know hes gonna make me feel bad about everything thats been going on, my mom's not making things any better by yelling at me and calling me annoying, so who the hell is there to turn to anymore, noone But whatever if you don't understand me then don't even read this. i don't care anymore. As for the people that actually help and don't make matters worse,thanks.
O0O0O0OKAY im going now =] i need to get in the shower because i smell.