someone else's paranoia

Nov 25, 2004 14:23

Found these various postings through google on multiple electronics / physics newsgroups by a 'news2020' . I was originally trying to find out what kind of mailer 'Earthlink Zoo Mail 1.0' was: apparently one used exclusively by spammers and paranoid schizophrenics.

Interesting paranoid stories that have been treated quite seriously by other users who have apparently been suggesting equipment and steps to take in order to confirm if this news2020 is indeed the victim of laser and burning death ray attacks. The whole saga seems to have quite a bit of history to it.

If anyone has any more info about this guy, let me know!

some samples:

The 'knowledge is power' post with guidelines on how to eliminate the possibilities of attack vs. delusion:

Date: 09 Mar 2004 10:23:36
From: Mark Fergerson
Subject: Re: Intestinal Bleeding Again : Calling for action now !

news2020 wrote:

> Ok. Ok. No negatives acknowledged.

You're welcome. I think.

> I'll keep quiet and wait until your corner reflectors rip up
> or something. Then Mark will be hunting up libraries and
> poor harassed librarians. There's still time for Mark.
> I'll wait as the clock keeps ticking.

I haven't personally lined my living spaces with corner
reflectors as I don't need them. I told you last year that
part of your problem is that so few others have had your
experiences. I haven't, so I haven't had to do anything
about them.

As I see it there are four possibilities:

1. You may be living in the path of intermittent unintended
transmissions all over the spectrum at all kinds of power
levels from who knows what kinds of sources like airport or
military beacons, cellphone towers, weather radar, and the like.

I'd know what to do about that, namely document the
signals' timing, frequencies, directions and power levels,
then aim a lawyer or three at the offenders.

2. You may be the victim of deliberate clandestine attacks
as you believe.

I'd know what to do about that too, namely detect the
signals etc. and shield against them or return to their
source all that I could (assuming enough lawyers tell me
they don't want to get involved).

3. You may be delusional, but until you gain enough
technical competence to eliminate the first two
possibilities, you cannot know for certain. Hence you're
going to get little but derision from people competent to
test 1&2.

I wouldn't know what to do about #3 except try to
suppress my paranoia long enough to get into therapy.

4. I (and possibly others here) may be, or may have been in
the past, the victim(s) of the same kind of attack as you
claim, but we're just not adequately susceptible so the
attackers got bored and looked for easier meat.

You're the only one in a position to do anything about
this. Do you want to accept the responsibility and do the
work necessary to find out what's really going on? It's your
choice. Nobody but you has the power to make that decision
and follow up on it.

Mark L. Fergerson

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