Long overdue update

Dec 01, 2008 11:15

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.  We managed to celebrate our first Thanksgiving in our new casa, and it was great, and included such fun as:

  • Me having a mental breakdown at 8am in the morning on Thursday after running to 2 different stores to buy yams
  • Having a blast with family all around
  • Our oven belching out smoke due to an incident of someone forgeting to put foil on a pizza baking sheet, hence letting some oils drip on to the bottom of the oven.
  • Sighing & getting sleepy from making too much food
  • Super impressed with the turkey and how it turned out - so yummy and delicious!
  • Impressed my mom learned what brining was, and even  more how many tips she picked up from watching Martha Stewart all week long
  • Weeping as I found out the next day that my mom chucked the turkey carcass out to the garbage, making my plans to make stock a lost cause
I am very thankful for my family, but missing all of you who are so far away.    In other news - on the babyfront, we are at t-minus 4 weeks and counting.  My doctor is wonderfully funny as I reminded him of his upcoming vacation at the end of the month, around the same time I am due, and my concerns of who would be "handling" me.  As I have questions - and sometimes I think I'm the only one who has these crazy questions... like why do you need to do continous monitoring... he smiles in a way of "i knew you were going to ask that.." and its not in a patronizing way at all which is nice, because I think we have a mutal respect for each other and he understands where I am coming from. Birth "plan/wishes" are being typed up to be put on file, along with all of his comments about our chats.  I did ask him if he just put "ornry patient"  in my chart... and he just laughed and said something like "I'm not even sure how to spell ornry".  Ahh good times.

Lastly - now its just trying to get teh house in order for our new addition, and reviewing to make sure I have all that we need.  My mom is helping me make/sew our prefolds into contours, and hand-dyeing them, along with a lot of the white onesies and etc. we had from Jack.  That child had a lot of white, this one will be more colorful.  I'm having a hard time resisting to buy some earth mama angel baby items.  They all look so good, and sound well yummy or I guess I should say "soothing".

Now I'm off to our winterwonderland.  It snowed last night and I think we got a whopping 6-8".  I'll make sure to get some pictures as the trees look beautiful all covered in snow right now.

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