(no subject)

May 12, 2005 01:18

So here it is. The whole "reflection on the past year" entry. But I promise I'll make it short. :)

Yeah, so freshman year is OVER. I still can't believe it went by so quickly. I wish high school had gone by this fast. College is so much fun. But I was reading Shelley's entry about how she is going more into the real world now that she has to find an apartment and a real job..and that's what I've kind of been nervous about forever. Everyone says they hate the dorms and such, but I love them. She said too about how it's so convenient to take the elevator to see your best friends, rather than the T. The dorms really are a huge sense of support, because we don't have to worry about so much. I miss being able to walk next door into Ali and Lea's room, or right upstairs to hang out with the guys. Social life was so easy. Now we have one more year of that, then it really is us going into the real world. All going in different directions, trying to get our lives straightened out. I don't think I'm ready for that freedom. We've spent our whole lives being supported. It's going to be tough.
But really, the extent to which my life has been changed from this one year of school is amzing. I've already posted past entries about the incredible things I've done and seen, and now having so many new people in my life that I absolutely love and care so much for. I can't believe what an impact they've all had. Every single one of them.
I feel like I've opened up so much since last year. I feel like I've become a better person, and I've definitely changed for the better. I've noticed simply in my social interactions with people that I'm just more open to new things. It's not even so much that my confidence has increased because I'm still a very self conscious person but I feel that I almost just don't care as much. I don't know.

But anyways...

What are we, 5 days into summer vacation? Now if it were a week long I'd be pumped. I'm so ready to go back, haha. I really just want to start work and make some money. Broke as a joke.
Ahhh and I SO better hang out with the people I plan on hanging out with. Because let me tell you. These are the kind of plans that are always made and never followed through with. Stupid plans. I need to go to Vermont, Martha's Vineyard...and...I need Boston. Scotty, Phil, Luig and company. See you then.
I need to hang out with Plymouthers.
Patty. Jimmy. Todd. You Livejournalers.

Okay I'm rambling. Goodnight :)
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