a little bit about me...

May 22, 2005 22:47

it's been a while since i posted, so to update briefly...
mars volta and the faint...wow, the end, there is no other explanation i can give for those 2 amazing shows...ps school sucks

so here are the answers to quiz a la candice aka _sketchy_

1) what did you REALLY think of me the first time you met me? be honest.
A) honest eh? well, i was extremely jealous of you. i noticed the closeness between you and matt and got all insecure. clearly i was just an ignorant little child who was fully unaware of how cool you are. i did think you were super cool, wasn't it you that gave him the bouncing jesus? haha, but then when i met you i was like man she's hot, this can't be good for me...over time that impression definately evolved, and i'm glad we still talk :)

2) is there one person, dead or alive, celebrity or non, that you wish you could hang out with for a day, and why? name please!
A) i'm going to fill one out for all categories...out of all the people i've ever met, the person that has definately influenced me and impacted my life the most is my friend armen. he's just one of the most amazing people i've ever met, and i wouldn't mind chilling with him for a day. every time we talk i'm opened up to a different perspective or some sort of admiration to the amazing person that he is. otherwise, i would really love to see my nonna again...i miss her with all my heart. and celebrity-wise...probably elliott smith. there are so many questions i want to ask him and i'd just like to tak to him since his songs reveal some similar feelings.

3) in which season would you like to get married, if you plan to marry at all?
A) marriage eh? probably in the summer, after my birthday, so mid-late august. i guess i'll see what the future holds...

4) if a tree falls in the forest, and there's no one there to hear it, does it really make a sound?
A) i hate this question with my life...because it obviously does make a sound, unless it was another tree's invisible friend, but at the same time, if no one hears it does the sound actually exist? well, i've reached some form of enlightenment because i now have an answer to this question...in the form of another question...
why is there nothing when there is still something?

5) how do you feel about abortion?
A) i don't feel anything about abortion...i just pray that i'll never be faced with a decision like that. i guess i'm against it, but at the same time i'm not...i don't even want to get into it.
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