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Mar 28, 2005 17:33

ok so this weekend was a lot of fun!!!
Thursday- went to the gym w/ steph then i went somewhere with my mom. Came home and got kicked out of my house so i called steph and her dad came and got me! Then my brother and parr came and got me and drove me to teehans house for a pretty amazing party! i ended up staying there for the night.
Friday- Woke up went shopping with jess and steph for Sarahs sweet 16. We got our outfits and then showered and all that good stuff and then we went! after we [jess steph and i] went back to steph house where we were gonna go to another party but our ride situation got a little messed up. which was good in a way i was kinda tired! so we chilled and went to bed.
Saturday- nothing really, again me jess and steph hung out...went to the mall. Got ready for easter! and Slept at stephs!
Sunday- Happy Easter! stephs mom had gotten me an easter basket it was soo cutee! i love her <33...then my mom came and got me, didn't go home well cause well according to my dad i don't live there ne more! soo we drove around for a while and she dropped me off at the one and only kates house. well we went to brookes drank a lil and then cailin called and said something about johns house...so me and kate were like yee we'll be there! so went to johns it was me kate cai sam conner john and ray. and i swear wendys was the place to be that night we ran into so many ppl. but then we went back to johns and passed out!
Monday- went back to kates and chilled ran in the rain haha! and just hung out.

Good weekend was a lot of funnn!!!
Thanks to steph and her family for giving me a place to stay for most part of the weekend and the meyer family!<33

Best Friend is ten letters but so is lying bitch..yee well so is Suck my DICK!!

ooo and kate re-did my journal...like?
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