you know that old building near Bath Spa station opposite boots that has been empty for ages? the one next to the river with huge doors in the side? theyre going to knock it down! how incredibly rubbish is that? i WANT that building - if i had the money i would buy it and turn it into an arts centre or something... it's gorgeous! i saw a protest yesterday and figured i could at least sign the petition or something to help. anyway the website with a bit more info is : even if you don't feel like getting involved - can you spread the word? maybe put a link in your journal [esp. if you know a fair few people who live in the area] or paste this into an email to anyone who might be interested in not letting the council ruin such an amazing old building.
i just can't believe it... no-one builds such solid beautiful structures nowadays. Why on earth would anyone want to wilfully destroy something that has gracefully stood the test of time whilst newer developments [*ahem* marchants passage *ahem* etc] are planned/built - then soon become percieved as a blotch on the landscape or a financial nightmare? surely we would have learnt our lesson by now?!
i've decided i am fed up with being part of the apathetic generation and it doesn't take much effort to sign a petition anyway. i normally can't stand people complaining about developments in cities since they usually seem to be old people who don't like the idea of change. however, in this case i genuinely feel that demolishing this building would represent a direct assault on what makes the city of Bath so individual and stunning.
You can sign the petition:
at the Funtastic shop in the Guildhall Market in Bath
at other shops [in the City Centre and local high streets], many displaying our 'Save Churchill House' poster
by printing a copy from here [the website]
by e-mailing your statement of support, including your name and address to,
by faxing your statement of support to 01225 338449.
over and out guys : KoalaElf xXx