Hey! It's me! I'm here! Actually updating my journal. How are you doing? How is your March going? This whole me not having a computer thing is getting a little rediculous, I know but please keep baring with me!
Anyways, shortly after having bronchitis & my ear infection-I got tonsilitis! How lame is that?!?!! I'm just glad that I have good insurance and a really cool doctor.
Went to Modesto with Chuck a couple weekends ago. OMG, I had so much fucking fun! I got to hang out with ALL of mah boys...even RandyLee (+ Amber, but that's a given). They all got drunk at Brandon's one of the nights we were there; I was so thrilled to have the boys not smoking. Hung out at Stacie's a lot of the time too. It's so fun there, Cameron's getting really big! Nick didn't get to go with Chuck & me because he wasn't feeling well, but when I walked into the house it was SPOTLESS. He was feeling better the day we were drving home so he completely cleaned the house for me. What a sweetheart, I love him. <3
After the weekend in Modesto, I had a pretty fun weekend here. We had a lot of our friends come over and hang out. Derrick & Jae made me some really awesome drawings in my journal. Derrick's is this trippy looking alien thing and Jae's is a really cool turtle smokin' a j.
Speaking of animals, I got Tony (my betta) a new friend! I got the idea from Kathy, my ex's mom. Anywho, it's a snail and his name is Mr. Twirlie, Mr. T for short! Tony and him play at night. It's so cute, Tony puffs up and then darts all over the tank. I wish I had pictures. :(
My 20th birthday is coming up. I don't exactly know how I feel about it. I know I'm excited because I'm going up to Modesto to celebrate it since Nick will be in the field. I'll probably stay for like a week so I can work with my dad to make some money. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Maybe if I make enough TMA can go to SF for the day. Are you girls down???
This is for FLIP. LJ MOMENT: Nick busted out speaking Caveman while playing Frequency the other night. LOL.
Well...I think thats all that's on my mind right now. If I don't update before then: Happy St. Patty's Day!
Here, I feel like I haven't left pictures of me on here in awhile.