Beerhugs for Barnie

May 09, 2007 19:44

I'm a little behind in writing about my fantastic weekend, not because I've been to busy but because I seem to have spent a lot of time over the last few days doing absolutely nothing. Which makes a change, but I do feel guilty over all the jobs that need sorting around the house.

Anyway, Saturday was great! My sister-in-law Christine arrived early to take the kids off to Hastings for the day, so I was able to make my train into London with plenty of time to spare (unlike the normal weekday panic walk to the station!). I had to rechart my way via the underground because of line closures, but that didn't add too much time to my journey and the trip only took 2ish hours.

I was given the most amazing scrap book made by Chihiro which celebrated Ian's participation on Puzzle Pirates and had lots of photos from previous Briterati meetups and anecdotes. (It can be seen at ) It was a bit of a shock to get it, I certainly wasn't expecting it, and I have to admit to bursting into tears when I opened it to the first page. But they were happy tears and hopefully I didn't embarrass myself too much!

Photos are here:

A stack of beer was consumed, together with a plethora of other beverages. An interesting new game was conceived by Rubyspoon and tested by Silvertooth who has the most amazing control of impromptu chopsticks. Fun was had with Spadge's mobile phone and new discoveries about predictive texting were made. It was great to see so many pirates again and to meet new ones.

I got back home at around 7.30pm and felt wonderful having spent an entire day away from the lads and from the house. Timothy was very clingy; he doesn't like me not being with him and I guess he has a bit of insecurity because of Ian's death which is really not all the surprising. Christine was a star to look after them for the day. Wish I could do that more often :)
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