To tell you the truth i'm not as excited, like i've told you before i've got no plans for this 3 weeks holiday. Well we're going to Dubai for 3 days on the 20th but then i've got another weeks with nothing else to do. YOU KNOW WHAT, i'll write down list of thing that i'm going to do over this winter break and i'll scan it and show it to you ppl.
Hopefully i'll remember to do that! :D
So what's up chel?
- Basketball tournament, we lost AGAIN. *this is why we do need more blessing and luck*
We're so used to losing i don't think we even care anymore. Well i'm sure the P.E teacher does, especially ms.murphy. i bet she's devastated by the state of our skills in P.E. i can see it! It's not our fault we don't get enough practice. srsly do you think 4 practice session would do us any good? I do admit we are good it's just we need to practice more on the team work, i mean hey we can shoot and run ¬_¬ BUTTTT What matter the most is having fun, and i did enjoyed it...except there was a bitch fight going on between our year 10 team and the QIS. S.C.A.R.Y. :D OH and yes 3 of my fingers got injured and the next day in school i had to wear this long bandage, which squeezes three of my fingers together to keep them still. Now my pinky is as blue as the ocean.
OHH AND GUESS WHAT! we get to wear jersey's for the first time evaaarr. Guesss what number was i wearing?! I'll give you candies if you guess it right :D
MADD went allright! Some was funny, impressive, horrible. But that's what it's all about....yep AKIS entertainment.
GOOOOO REZA!! :D Yeah man that was dramatic!
On Thursday when it was our form tutor time, suddenly there was this merry christmas song..but only the tone came up from nowhere! We thought it was someone's mobile ringtone but guess where it came from! MR. P'S TIE! HAHAHAHAH so coooooooool! I kept telling him to play the song over and over again! :D The song is know those cards where you open the front cover it'll give a song -_-
You can't see it clearly, but there is a little redl igh there in the middle.
- Persian CUTE CAT
My sister and Elinor found this adoraaaabllee persian cat that looks a bit like Snowflake! ON THE STREET! I'm just shock why such a pretty cat wandering around the street of alkhor community. It doesn't even have any collar. But now it' safely kept in eli's house <3 She's calling it Metallica. *sigh* poor kitty.
- Eli's Birthday
Well basically i am an oldy and shouldn't be hanging around with kids, but i got invited so it is rude not to come -_- And besideeee eli does need my helpppp hahahah. Yeah lotsa year 8 kids, dancing, playing billiard like they own the crib. Jebus i wasn't even like them when i was in year 8! I guess i was a good kid. HAH! Yes there's me posing with leyooo (emo much?) and elinor. happyy bday girlllyy! :D
- Wii Boxing is my thang!
After going to eli's we went to Abdul's house, played Wii like we neverrr played before! Tennis, bowling, cricket, boxing etc. Yeah it was fun! And as soon as we get to play the wii boxing, i beatttttt ferry, graha and andi! Man it was tiring, i was actually sweating! And i bet i look like an idiot punching aimlessly at nothing :D woooh!