For no clear reason, I was totally emo yesterday. It would have been amusing, if, well, I was up to feeling amused. Emo
_kli_ does not socialize well.
On my bus ride home--shared with air-guitar Red Sox dude jamming his heart out and visually-impaired dude who was really, really nervous about something--I noticed how almost every business we passed was closed. Strangely, this struck me as tragic, like all these stores and hair salons and laundromats I never had patronized and never would were dear friends who had moved away. The melancholy poet rides the 57 bus home.
Fortunately a good night's sleep cured me of my feelings of loss. I did, however, wake up with an awful cold. I used up most of the toilet paper in the house and went to My [Un]Friendly Neighborhood Stop & Shop to buy kleenexes. My throat is going to hurt so, so bad tomorrow morning. Also, I am experiencing anxiety from incense withdrawal (yes, I am a total addict here), but I'm pretty sure filling the air with smoke would NOT help the situation.
I applied for a buttload of jobs today. Over the weekend I'll apply for some more and also brush up on my MS Office skills, since I knew such things once upon a time but have not used most of those skills since high school. I guess I am a moderately fast and highly accurate typist, though...anybody know of someone wanting to hire a typist? ...Yeah, didn't think so.
Also got the bike reassembled and went on a fun, if short, ride. I'd like to start doing that almost every day so I can be workin' on mah fitness.
Why am I not tired? I even ate a bunch of sugar to try to make me tired. I do not want to sleep in till noon tomorrow. Aaaaaaaugh.