the usual minutiae

Apr 03, 2008 22:05

Week from hell: 0

_kli_: 1

I am mastering the "purge" step from my handy little time management book.  In other words, quite a bit of the stuff I was worried about finding time for was mysteriously determined "unnecessary."  Funny how that works...  There are a couple more tasks I'm procrastinating on, but I'll try to do them tomorrow.

Also, I'm entirely too productive for my own good, most likely.

Instead, I seem to have amassed rather a lot of infirmities:
- zombie cold, from which I'm almost recovered
- the beginnings of a performance injury to my lip muscles (superscary!)   I've reduced my playing time quite a bit and am amused to find how much I miss the top half of my range.
- sliced open finger, bled profusely, &c. -- I picked up the base of the blender with one hand so I could wipe the stray pieces of dill off the countertop, fumbled it, and dropped it on my hand.  For the record, it's heavy and includes sharp pieces.
- did something to make my digestive system hate me.  Tomorrow will involve yogurt.

I'm excited about the little changes I made in the apartment this afternoon.  I still need to rearrange the art and hang some more of it.  Every time I clean, I'm surprised by how much the aesthetics of my surroundings affect me.  STILL NEED A NEW ROOMMATE...PLZ HALP...

Earlier this week, I mentioned to a friend how I often think of things I'd like to post about then make the mistake of thinking them through at the time.  Repetition irritates me, so when I get to a computer I don't have any desire to bother typing up a post.  I'd like to blog more, but it's not exactly happening. 

narration, living worse, living better

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