Apr 22, 2007 22:33
I don't think things are going to get better, even though i always say they will. Everythings sucks. I need my own apartment, Joeys mother doesnt' know how to pay any bills, Shes losing the apartment, joey and josh haven't even tried to get a job. I'll barely be abel to get my own place only making 1100 a month, the cheapest place in brockton without utilities is liek 700, then i gotta pay for electricity and heat, cell phone, car insurance. I hate life. And theres no way i'll be able to come up with the first and last for an apartment by myself, i dont know any that'll get an apartment with me. All my friends have kids or live with their parents. I dont know what i'm going to do. My car insruance got canceled but yet joeys mom still insist on taking my car, because joanna wont let her take hers. "i promise i wont get into an accident" Its like people dont purposely crash it jsut happens. She doesnt even have lisence. Anytime i say no its jsut please i promise i'll be carefull. Its rediculious i need to move out. I need a plan.