(no subject)

May 12, 2005 20:36

so today was an alright day, im getting kinda sick. tomorrow is coffee house and i have a cold/soar throat which kinda suc, but there is no way im missing that!!! so i just got home from talking with this new lady. she's really really nice and understands like everything i tell her so im really excited. i have a lacrosse game tomorrow against chesher. they are really really good so hopefully we win. i think coach will like go crazy if we lose, so we gotta win. but it sux because ally got a red card the other day and got kicked outta the game so now coach is being a dick and wont let her play tomorrow and kelly has pink eye so we're not sure if she is playing. i hope everything goes good tomorrow. then after the game i am going over alyssa's house with lara diana john rali and maybe karoline if she goes to coffee house. its gonna be really fun. then at about 8 we r going to ch and it goes till midnight this time because its that last one so its going to be really really fun. anyways...so lately i havent been sleeping very well. and it makes me really really tired and not able to play well in my lacrosse games. i dont know why, i just keep waking up in the middle of the night, so in the morning i am sooooo tired!! it just really sux. well im gonna go to sleep now. bye bye
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