ok, birthday part deux was a lot more fun than birthday proper. the great mountain of squishy cuddles and love, a.k.a.
xrmndml came over and hung out with me and momma and gave me way too many awesome presents. (you just wait til x-mas, buddy!) and yeah, it went really, really well with the maternal one. we went out for dinner, then mi madre decided she was going to bed at like 10:30, so she was cool with me going to pouty's w/ previously mentioned mountain and
hadesflower. this is where things begin to get hazy.
there was a wee bit of drinking involved, and from what i hear, a lot of making out with people that i really don't remember doing. so if i kissed anyone against their will, i'm really sorry. trust me, i paid dearly for my craziness later on in the morning and throughout the entire next day. btw, how in the hell did i get the huge bruise on my knee? no,
thathatedguy you are NOT allowed to answer that. thanks again to my faithful companions for taking care of my drunk ass and not doing any sympathy puking.
ugh, i gotta start remembering why i shouldn't have more than 3 drinks at that place.
anyway, possibly more updating later. i have to grab some food before getting ready for work. just let it be known that i am crazy happy right now, and i like it muchly. i frickin' love you, miles! ;)
now for quizzy goodness:
Which Psychedelic children's Movie do you belong in?
You are from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. You're weird, creative, charming, and love to mess with people's minds.
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Grab Code and ganked from damn near everyone:
1. I died:
2. I kissed you on the lips:
3. I lived next door to you:
4. You found out I was married:
5. I stole something:
6. I was hospitalized:
7. I refused to leave my home:
8. I got into a fight while you were there:
9. Personality:
10. Eyes:
11. Hair:
12. Lips:
13. Family:
14. Help me hide a body?
15. Keep a secret if I told you one?
16. Hold my hand?
17. Take a bullet for me?
18. Try to solve my problems?
19. Love me?
20. Date me?
21. Lied to make me feel better?
22. Wanted to kiss me?
23. Wanted to kill me?
24. Broke my heart?
25. Kept something important from me?
26. Thought I was unbearably annoying?
27. Who are you?
28. Are we friends?
29. When and how did we meet?
30. Describe me in three words:
31. What was your first impression?
32. Do you still think that way about me now?
33. What reminds you of me?
34. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
35. How well do you know me?
36. When's the last time you saw me?
37. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
38. Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you?