1 more week of schoool. AHHHH

May 21, 2005 18:52

wow this year has been crazy. so many unexpected things happened. a lot of good and bad happened but all in all, it was a great year and i'm glad and so happy with the way everything turned out. like wow it's hard to explain how i feel right now. i really do appreciate all of the bad and good things that have happened cuz now i look at everything in a positive way. there's no negativity at all. it's just cool to look back and see what you went through and then see yourself now and be able to say that you're ok. that you went through all of that and you're perfectly fine. it's like exciting to see what else is coming up for you. i really do believe that everything happens for a reason. you shouldn't regret anything that you do or didn't do because at the moment, it seemed right so you should just stick to that. i don't know if any of this makes sense but i have so much in my head right now. i don't regret anything at all. and maybe there are some things i messed up bad in, but now that's just something else that i have to overcome in the future. wow i really do hope this all makes sense. lol i just think it's soo cool how this cycle in life works or w/e. every little thing that has happened or hasn't happened in your life makes you who you are. any little thing can change everything. it's just interesting to sit back and let everything happen. lol and that's exactly what i'm going to do now. and tonight...i'm going to have fun. oh yeaaaaaa
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