So this past weekend ended up being a fucking blast. Friday night I went over to Kendall's house and we ended up drinkin with her mom and her mom's teacher friends.. It was a ton of fun, we played drinking games and everything with them. I didn't drink too much because I had work the next morning as well as the dinner dance so I didn't want to be hungover. I got home around 1 or so and headed to bed... the next morning was hell to wake up for but I was excited because it was gonna be a good day. It didn't start good however.
On my way to work I almost got in a car accident... I was only a few inches away from rear ending the guy in front of me when I purposely left tons of room between us... the jerk decides he's gonna turn last minute so I hit my breaks, end up that I'm on black ice, my car fishtails all over the road, almost hitting a pole and coming inches from hitting the asshole guy. It was so scary and I'm so relieved that I didn't get in an accident and that no one was behind me.
Anyway, work sucked sooooo bad on Saturday cuz we were short handed as usual... I had to answer phones, process mail, and take care of customers all day by myself in customer service. It blew real bad... Needless to say I was super excited about gettin out of work. Once I got out I raced home to get ready, jumped in the shower and got ready for the dinner dance.
Some of you are probably thinkin... whats this dinner dance u speak of amy? Well, it was for the Chicago Parnells Gaelic Football team, who we spent most of our summer watching on Sundays at Gaelic Park. Some of the boys were coming in from Ireland for it so we decided we would go so that we could see them again. So anyway, I headed to Kendalls around 6 and met up with Kendall, Caiti, and Weez, and Weez was nice enough to drive us to Gaelic Park at 6:30 for the dinner dance. Once we got there we arrived at the same exact time as the boys did, it was pretty funny. So we all got out and said hello and whatnot and headed inside cuz it was absolutely freezing out.
Everyone was dressed so nice, and lemme tell ya the boys clean up well. Unfortunately Johnny couldn't make it to the dinner dance cuz he had finals at school that he couldn't miss. That sucked, but I knew ahead of time he wouldn't be there. I still wanted to see him though...
So anywho, we go in there and say hello to Big Daddy, the Parnells coach and he told us to head to the bar until he got us a table. After a while we decide to order drinks... well we end up drinkin like 8 drinks each within the 1 hour before dinner. We were well on our way to being toasted. Luckily we sat down and ate dinner then. The dinner was delish... I loved it... the wine too! haha. We sat with the Sheridans who were super super nice, and Kieran and Niall sat at the table next to us, cuz Big Daddy arranged it that way for us haha kinda funny. So anyway dinner was great. Then the club chair gave speeches on the team and handed out awards. During that time, they reopened the bar... Kendall was one of the first ones up there and the bartender lady was like "I figured you'd be one of the first up here" haha... they must've thought we were lushes! Oh well, it doesnt happen often that none of us have to drive and we get free open bar for 6 hours. We had to take advantage of it.
So anyway, while the boys were accepting their awards, they called Johnny's name and said that he was unable to be there to accept it and I swear to God almost everyone's eyes turned to me when they said his name. I could just feel the heat and I turned to Caiti and I was like alrighty then.... haha. I miss him so much... I actually almost started crying lookin at the book they put together for everyone at the tables. It's really hard to just forget about him because I don't want to....
Enough about that for now... getting back to the dance, so they finished awards and finally put the music on... it ended up being the same DJ from Desmonds that would play on Sunday nights in the summer so me and Caiti were super excited. We danced to a bunch of songs that we used to in the summer, it was such good times. Caiti and I were suckin down Amaretto Stone Sours all night long dancin while Kendall was mackin it with the boys, as usual. It was a great time. Me and Caiti headed over by Kendall when she was talkin to Mickey, one of the guys who we didn't hang out with a ton but still knew who we were and it was weird cuz at first him and Kendall were just talkin about Barcode and then outta the blue he goes to her "Are you the one that was datin John from Carlow?" and she was like what, no... and I was like wait did I hear him right? and Caiti was like, dude, that was you... and so I was like "Well I guess that was me." and he said somethin along the lines of "Oh yeah I remember now" and I go "Umm.. we never dated though, he never actually asked me out." and Mickey was like "Really?" and I was like "Yeah, we were never official.." and he was like "Well do ya at least talk to him still?" and I was like "Nope, haven't heard from him since he left." and he was so surprised and was like "You better get his number off the boys and talk to him." and I was like alright, even though I already have his number...
So how weird is that though? Like aparently John was tellin the team we were dating this summer.... I mean how am I supposed to take that? I just wish I still talked to him so I could get some answers because its really bothering me now. I feel like we have so much unfinished business that I can't move on. I don't want to move on, to be honest. Out of all the guys that I've liked and that have liked me back, he is the most made for me. He's pretty much everything I want in a guy, except for the fact that he was so shy all the time, but whatever. I don't know anymore. I hope he comes back in the summer, the boys said they probably will... if not, I might have to go there and finish what was started...
I'm tired of writing... if you want to look at my pictures from the Dinner/Dance, here's the site....
Dinner/Dance Peace Out.