(no subject)

Apr 01, 2004 16:59

Going to San Diego in a few days. Uhmmm... right I live in California and I have not been to San Diego in about 8 years. I have no idea what to do there now that I am older and of legal age. Any suggestions? I'm actually really excited about going to the zoo though... and then maybe disneyland, and a few museums. I think I've been to disneyland over 500 times and for some reason I'm still not completely burnt out on the place. That's like a year and a half spent in the place. That almost disgusts me in a way.

And a part of me almost wants to check out Mexico while I'm down there... Last time I went it was horrendous. Half of my group got split up. I ended up sleeping on the dirty beach, because I got locked out of my hotel room - Not to mention the several couples having intercourse only about a hundred feet away from me. Oh yeah, and on top of that finding a dead horse on the beach. That place is a mess during spring break. Well, touristy mexicali is. People all up on whoever, bad music, bad drinks, dirty atmosphere, and the list goes on. Now I'm sitting here asking myself why is it that I want to go to this place? I dunno- I guess it is because it is near Easter and during this time when I was a kid my parents used to take me down there during the day to get langosta and shop around at the local merchants to teach me how to haggle. I still haven't got that one down. So I'd say it is merely for nostalgic purposes, but I know it wouldn't be anything like that.

Anyways, it's April Fool's Day and it's my mother's birthday. I tried to convince her to go out to dinner tonight. I didn't have any luck. My dad has been calling me on the phone pestering me and asking me what I have been doing for her today. We got in a small squabble and all's well now. He didn't want me to drive my car to Orange County. But then again- he never wants me to drive anywhere (not even to SB, which is 1 hour away). I guess he has a point. My car is getting old.

His mood has been bad lately, and he has been taking out a lot of his frustrations and aggressions on me. I try to let it roll off my back seeing that his mother is dying right now.

My grandmother has cancer and as of the last couple of days the family has been removing some of the medication she was taking. My dad said that she is starting to have hallucinations and cannot sleep. He was there for about 2 weeks a couple of weeks ago. He is back there and packed heavily when he left the house on Tuesday. Black shoes, dress attire, loads of everyday clothing, we are expecting the worse. My grandmother is an amazing women. She fights for Latino rights in Southern California and sets up outreach programs and youth programs; she's been doing it for over 30 years. I believe that someone is currently even writing a book about her. She is a great humanitarian and someday I hope to mimic her aspirations.

I wish I knew more about my culture and was more involved. And even have the ability to speak spanish fluently. What happened? How come I turned out to be such a coconut. Mind you, that I am not the only one in the family that ended up like this. For the most part, a good chunk of my cousins are like me. Then the other half are much more cultured than the rest of us. I even have a couple of aunts and uncles that teach Chicano Studies at Universities. Well, I guess this is the year to become more in touch with that part of me.

This next week is going to be both fun and emotionally trying. It'll be a weird going into it knowing that my emotions will be unstable. Good luck to me.

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