Aug 03, 2004 22:21
It's amazing how our lips fit together. Amazing how your skin feels. Amazing how your arms fit around me. Amazing how you make me feel for those brief moments. Yet ... It's pathetic how I feel more in this relationship than you. It's pathetic that I wont let myself realize you don't want anything more. Pathetic how I am just your call girl. None of that matters though, because I'll always be the one waiting here for whenever you want me, whenever you need me, to do anything you want me to do. It's all to make you happy. It's all because of love. I'm dependent like that I guess. Something I need to work on, but it's tough. I don't want to be alone anymore.
Could you just love me please?
Rio Wraps and cracking up with memories and jokes of old times. Being just like Sex and the City and loving it. Watching the episode tonight with Carrie and Big and feeling just like Carrie. I WAS Carrie this morning.
Sex is no longer sacred. It isn't something meant for two people who love each other. What a bunch of bull shit whoever made that rule. It has no meaning. It's just sex, nothing more. Get over it people. I don't see what the big deal is anymore.
I need a new hair cut. Maybe I should work on that one. I talk about too many things, but I don't do things. I'm so passive. Sometimes I like to list outgoing as one of my qualities, but it's such a lie ... sometimes I have an outgoing front about me when I'm being shy, but other than that ... Who knows.
Kiss Me. Thrill Me. Hold Me. Squeeze Me.