banned from the end of the world

Jul 14, 2003 18:38

Banned from the end of the world
I've no millenial fear,
the future is here, it comes every year.
(If you want me there, I'll play forever dear
Open up the box a new life rushes out
Nasty little bug, much work to be done
Eat all the numbers up, we're 00 gone!)
Hot hot, go back these eyes are shut!

If you want it, I'll come right over,
then throw me out when the party's over.

Banned from the end of your world
We can bottle time and sell it back
It's a nostalgic crime!
(If you want me there, we'll party without fear
A new world rushes on
and we'll just play along
A night of revelry, spend it here with me
For so many dreams cannot be contained)

Banned from the end of the world
The future is here, look in the mirror
(We're the band from the end of the world.)

<3today i went to school and hung out with darrel and matt.matt gave me money for water.i gave darrel chocolate.the mexican stalker guy talked to me.weird.and scary.
<3josh picked me up at 12.we took darrel home and then went to his house to watch was nice.we cuddled on this bed thing that feels like a was great.<3333 oh man..oh jeez....<333josher<333
<3after that we came to my house to eat shrimp cup of noodles.i added cheese and lime to it and its superb.josher liked it.i gave josh a present.i hope he likes it.

stolen from the_terror_code
series o1 -- basic info.
o1. first name - alicia
o2. birthday - november 9
o3. birthplace - houston,texas
o4. current location - simi valley, ca
o5. current school - adult school
o6. current job - im a slacker
o7. nickames - alli
o8. eye color - dark brown
o9. hair color - brown
11. zodiac sign - scorpio
12. innie or outtie - innie
13. religion - none
14. piercings - 3 earrings in each ear
15. tattoos - not yet

series o2 -- what's your favorite?
o1. music - sleater-kinney,pretty girls make graves
o2. cartoons - dexter's laboratory, tom and jerry
o3. color - black, red, white
o4. movie - amelie
o5. coffee - yummy
o6. book - perks of being a wallflower
o7. magazine - rolling stone
o8. tv show - will and grace/friends
o9. songs - burn,dont freeze by sleater-kinney
1o. candy - chocolate
11. spice girl - scary
12. food - pizza
13. alcoholic drink - nothing
14. subject in school - dance
15. weekend activity - hanging out with my boyfriend
16. holiday - christmas
17. ice cream flavor - cookies n cream
18. perfume - none
19. roller coaster - pirates of the carribean
2o. cereal - lucky charms

series o3 -- who is?
o1. the most handsome person you know - joshua principe
o2. the weirdest person you know - kalee bowman
o3. the funniest person you know - adam hill
o4. the loudest person you know - me
o5. the quietest person you know -
o6. the sweetest person you know - denise
o7. the sorriest person you know - =X
o8. the scariest person you know - =X
o9. the sexiest person you know - joshua
1o. your best friend - joshua
11. person you hate the most - =X
12. your crush? - well since josh is my boyfriend i wouldnt really call him a crush.

series o4 -- what is?
o1. most overused phrase on AIM? - LOL
o2. the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning - fuck i have to go to school
o3. the last image you thought of before you went to sleep - the bear joshua gave me.
o4. the first thing you notice about the opposite sex - eyes
o5. best name for a butler - geoffrey
o6. the wussiest sport - baseball
o7. song that describes you - no idea
o8. your best feature - umm idk ask josh
o9. your bedtime - when i fall asleep
10. your biggest fear - mimes and clowns
11. your greatest accomplishment- meeting josh
12. your missed memories - hanging out with tara all the time

series o5 - what are your opinions of the opposite sex?
o1. best eye color - brown
o2. best hair color - brown
o3. short or long hair - short
o4. best height - 5'11"
o6. best article of clothing - red black striped shirt
o7. best first date location - citywalk or 3rd street
o8. best first kiss location - on SSHS grounds where me and josh first kissed
o9. describe your perfect other - joshua principe

series o9.--other?
o1. what do you wear to bed - usually nothing but sometimes a white shirt and hot pants
o2. when's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal - last nite
o3. have you ever played ouja board - no
o4. how many rings before you pick up the phone - 2 or 3
o5. what's on your mouse pad - a picture of a mouse...weird.
o6. how many houses have you lived in - 3 houses and 3 apartments
o7. how many schools have you gone to - 5
o8. color of your bedroom carpet - beige
o9. would you shave your head foe $5,ooo -not too sue about that one.

<3tomorrow i have to go to school.i dont want to.
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