so yesterday hung out with tim :) had fun....last nite we watched spiderman lol that was like the highlight of my day beings my parents are being gay and wont let me go out or nething cuz i'm sick :'(
so tomorrow we have school :( this blows, i dont wanna go...still havent done all my hw and stuff but oh well what can u do rite?! lol i have english with renee and claire and ceramics with schoen! thats gonna be fun!
well i gotta go, taking my mom, the turtle, out for dinner cuz its her bday on friday...we are taking her tonite cuz this is kinda like the last family dinner thing we are gonna have for a sis is leaving on thursday for san diego...i have to admit i'm kinda sad only cuz i'm so used to having her around but i must say theres a few good things bout not having her here, i get the car all to myself, a bathroom all to muah, no more hearing her bitching at me, plus i can go visit her whenever so its all good...
jeff looking like a monkey? i dunno thats a wierd ass pic lol
nick and john flippin off my sweet of them
me and alie decided thats tims emo face lol
we also decided thats his evil face lol kinda scary
thats alies one hundred million bagillion dollar smile lol
a penis? it was supposed to be on fire but uh yeah that didnt come out
everyone round the fire...
muah! alie got a nice lil kiss from me!
alies evil try to sleep tonite
haha the turtle eating corn-on-the-cob haha oh lordy shes gonna kill me when she finds out i put that on here
aw look how cute and innocent timothy looks
this is from some other random nite and i think hes hot so i decided just to put him in here lol