Jul 30, 2004 12:47
yesterday i went to the mall with meghan, my parents want me to get a job cuz what i do around the house and for everyone else in my family i guess just isnt enough. so i applyed at some places like forever 21, gap for kids, and old navy. i dont really want a job though cuz thats just something else that i have to add to my hell of a life. later on i went back to meghans but i had to have megs dad call my mom cuz she didnt believe i was really going there...so glad my parents trust me.
my mom was being sucha bitch to me yesterday, she always lets my brother and sister have people over and stuff but when i want someone over she gives me a bunch of crap and she was like oh clean this, and clean that and when i was done she was like oh u need to do this too, the house needs to be clean cuz ur sister is having friends over. hella kewl mom. and than when i try to tell her something she goes ur just depressed and i'm gonna send u to a therapist. w/e at this point i dont even care, maybe i am depressed :-/.
i dont think my parents like me cuz i'm the middle child. its like they already have one daughter, my older sister, and than a son, and than theres me. i'm like the extra one. a left over. i'm not important cuz they already have one of each. thats how i feel bout it.
i do so much shit for everyone and noone is ever thankful for it. its starting to make me mad cuz i try to please everyone and its like i'm not appriciated at all. i clean helllla and my mom just always finds something wrong with it or doesnt even say thanks. :(
i go to brentens house the other day to give him a bday present and his mom said i wasnt allowed in because of their dad. he doesnt like me. that hurt my feelings pretty bad to be told i'm not allowed in someones house that i thought i was good freinds with.
i need a vacation to get the hell away from livermore and my family! i think i'm gonna try to talk my parents into letting me go to az for a few days, i was talking to natalie yesterday and i miss her and everyone else so that would be a fun get-a-way.