Nov 06, 2007 21:03
When the eff did it get sooo cold? It was like freezing rain today, luckilly I didn't get caught in it like yesterday. I hate winter. The only good part is my Christmas, my birthday, and reading week. These things can't come soon enough. I'm done exams on the 13th. I was supposed to be done on the seventh, with entailed a month long break, but they switched the schedual around. I just want it to be winter break, and I just want a visit home and see my family. I'm swamped from now until Christmas, so I don't get to go home until then, so I will have been without home for almost two months, which is the longest I've gone. At least Steve is here.. that makes it a lot easier. The thing I look forward to most is crawling into bed after a long day next to him. Sadly, I also enjoy deciding what I'm going to wear in the morning and Tim Hortons cookies.
I definitly am feeling the "student lifestyle" more this year. Sweats, giant coffee mug (filled with tea for me) in hand, and iPod. Messy hair, suede clogs/sheepskin boots, and one of my several anatomy books under my arm. I feel like a robot.. laugh out loud.
I found amusment in this (don't make fun.. it's hard to find amusment during these midterm and assignment filled days!)
(stolen from
Somebody attending college or university. Students are in general fond of alcohol, marijuana, and sex, though that is definitely not all they think about.
Students come in three varieties: arts, corporate, and useful.
Arts students 'study' arts subjects. Note that they do not study art with the intention of creating it; rather, it is with the aim of appreciating it. With the odd exception like journalism (which is actually a pretty useful degree through which one can find meaningful employment) arts students give students in general a bad name. An arts degree is ridiculously easy to get (really, it is), so arts students do not have to do any form of study, or even attend lectures at all. Thus, they go around boozing, fucking, and bringing down the good name of serious students. They usually come from middle class backgrounds, and are merely attending university for the fun, as they will be able to secure a great job before they even get their degree due to mommy's connections.
The corporate student studies in areas such as law, commerce, and accountancy. They have a slightly greater need to attend lectures, but not so much as useful students. They keep the world economy running smoothly, and their degrees actually require some work and intelligence to obtain. They often come from a poor background, and wish to break free from a vicious cycle.
The useful student studies in an area such as science, engineering, or medicine. Degrees in these areas require quite a bit of work; as an added bonus, student must attend labs as well as lectures. In many cases, these students are motivated to make the world a better place, or to help others in a meaningful way. If not, then they simply wish to exercise their brains to the fullest.
After obtaining a degree, a student may opt to become a post-graduate, wherein they do some independant research under the supervision of a proffessor. Few students reach this stage, but those who do are often responsible for important new discoveries.
I am a student, studying microbiology, biochemistry, and immunotechnology because I want to find the cure for AIDS. Don't hate me because I attend college.
Ahaha.. lol.