hiya everyone!!! After a long time I thought it best I update......HAHAHA, just kidding, but don't worry I will really put a good entry....just not now....just keep bugging me and i'll finally do the whole "camp" entry ;)
One quick thing....
I LOVED CAMP!!!!!!! OMG IT WAS WICKED SWEET!!!!!!! BEST WEEK OF MY LIFE!!! I got to know my old friends better from PA and new ones from New Hampshire. You all rock and will definately be in my prayers and in my heart.
All you Lancaster girls, you all are the greatest girlfriends ever!!! So much fun to be with and so filled with God's love!! I <3 you all!!! Seneca, Stephy,Mel (even tho u didnt go to camp), Monica, Lizzy, Diana, Marlee, and the rest, you all rock! Omg the sleepover is gonna rock the house!!!!
All you Lancaster guys, you all are so crazy and fun to be around, Amish gangstas 4 life!!! WOOT! lol, Its been awesome getting to know you all!!! You all are great guys, again filled with God's love!!! Shawn, Josh, Andy (who i just met), Shappy, Nate (even tho u both didnt go on the trip) you all rock too! NEXT YEAR...TOTALLY GOING AMISH GANGSTA ON YOUNG LIFE!!! LOL!!! You guys all are a blast!!! Can't wait to see you all tommorow!
And last but....DEFINATELY not least all you New Hampshire boys! You all are WICKED sweet, hahaha. Thanks for introducing us to all your crazy lingo! It was a blast hanging with ya at camp, and for me personally to talk to both ryan and zach about God was amazing, and really helped for me to get out my feelings and talk to you both one-on-one, so thanks so much! And for both of you guys to accept christ by the end of the week was incredible, Jesus loves you! lol! Ryan <3love you, Zach, Matthew, and Matt you all are already being missed and it was so much fun getting to know ya!!! you all rock too!
ryan--I'm so blessed I got to know you that week of camp!!! It was so much fun hanging with you at camp. Also those talks about God and how much he loves us really helped me, thanks =) And that joy I had when u had accepted Christ was unbelievable!! It was hilarious getting to know ur lingo and all us bragging we were gonna make purple! lol You're an awesome guy, i love you, never change..ahhh, my favorite song is on air1!!!! lol late night chats are priceless, haha, The purple rocked ^ cya later, God bless ;)
Now that was just a lil' preview!!!! I'll write more later!!!
But for now.....so long farewell for the next week!!! cause i'm off baby!!!
Tommorow I'm leaving for PA for hopefully a sleepover with the girlies, Seneca's birthday and the church picnic!!!-->then monday morning going to philly to take a flight to Delray Beach, Florida, cause I'm visiting Lauren at her house down there and Brian is down there as well --->soak up the sun--->Leave friday morning--->arrive in NY--->drive back to PA for Purple Door Christian Rock Concert--->then hopefully drive back with one more person in the car ;) stephy!!...then....::crosses fingers::....goes to new hampshire....please please please....
ahhhh its like 3am!!! I need to go to sleep!!! Nighty nighty!! I'll miss you all!!