My name is: graham gillooly
nicknames: i DONT have any !!!
sex: male
birthday: 06/01/88
colour: clear or black
star sign: capricorn
place of birth: Bellshill hospital
current residence: at home with my mum, dad and brothers
hair color: brown , rather dark
eye color: greeny brown
height: abit over 6 ft
writing hand: right
do you bite your nails: no
can you roll your tongue: nope
can you raise one eyebrow: haha no
can you blow smoke rings: i dont smoke
can you blow spit bubbles: yeah, best thing to do when your bored
can you cross your eyes: yupp
Tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue: never tryed that one....
Unwrap starbursts with your tongue: i guess i could....
colored hair: its only ever went black ....
tattoos and where: soon...soon
piercing and where: nah, not for me
do you make your bed daily: that i most certainly do
which shoe goes on first: just whatever one i pick up first, normally the right
speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone: yeah
how much money is usually in your wallet: i havent used my wallet in ages...umm not much but
what jewelry do you wear 24/7 : sometimes i wear a wee wristband ; )
what’s sexiest on a guy: clothes!!!
what’s sexiest on a girl: ummm ha ha nosey nosey
do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: i dont like it, but i guess i would twirl it
how many cereals are in your cabinet: whatever!! ummm 3
what utensils do you use eating pizza: i dont like that either
do you cook: i can, but i dont do it much
watched bambi: honestly cant remember
cried: when i fell off the chair and hurt my bum!!!
talked on the phone: to my dad , yesterday
read a book: i read a magazine alittle while ago...but no books recently
punched someone: it was only playful, but tuesday
where do you see yourself ten years from now: ummmm....well i hope....hmmm
who are you gonna be married to and where: bert mccracken!!!
how many kids do you want to have: ohhhhh...a nephew is enough for me!!!
your profession: when was the last time you - your proffesion....good one!!! notttt
is music important to you: yes, very
do you sing: who doesnt!!! all the time
what instruments do you play: a cd player haha
what do you think of Eminem: hes a thoroughly decent chap
in your opinion what band is the best of all time: ummmm check my user pic : ) <3
pop music: ummmm some music i like is classed pop..
rock music: thers lots of ''rock'' music but i guess i do
punk music: earplugs please!!! i hate all the old punk, but blink are cool!!!
rap music: no
hip-p/RB: no
country: no
jazz: no
classical: no but i know someone who does hahaah : )
new age: is that like funky elecrtric shit...if so hell yeah!!
hardcore: ohhhh ayeee
indie rock: yupp, cant beat keane!!!
emo: i fucking hate that word!!!
Game: what?
You talked to on the phone: been asked already, my dad!!!
You instant messaged: brendan
You laughed with: in person , ziggy boy and them, but brendan a wee while ago on msn
Could you live without the computer?: that would be hard...dont think so
What’s your favorite fruit?: umm, i love all fruit yoghurts...not fruit but
What hurts the most? Physical or emotional pain?: breaking your arm fucking hurts, but emotional pain hurts most
Trust others way too easily? ummm...sometimes i can , others i dont
I know: YOU!!!!
I want: to not be here all alone bored!!!
I have: no money : (
I wish: upon all the stars
I hate: hating things, but i hate alotttt of things/people ( im nice really ) : )
I miss: tuesday
I fear: alot
I hear: my computer, birds and the passing cars
I love: love haha
I ache: no i dont
I care: about all my friends, but some especially whom i know care about me
I always: want you to be happy
I dance: to good music
I cry: when i have to
I do not always: enjoy the days
I write: some thoughts sometimes
I confuse: too much!!!
I can usually be found: here or close by
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: nahh
Favorite place to be kissed? ahhh, you'll do well to get that out of me...
-ARE YOU A...-
Wuss: nope
Druggie: nope
Gang member: nope haha
Daydreamer: yeahp
Alcoholic: only sometimes
Freak: i hope not, but i know someone who thinks i am!!! rrrr
Brat: i hope not
Sarcastic: only playfully
Goody-goody: haha, no
Friend: yeah, i love nice friendly people
Shy: sometimes yeah
Talkative: not always
Adventurous: yeahhh!!!
Intelligent: probably not
Known the longest: dunno
Wish you saw more often: alot of people
Laugh the most with: it can differ
Wish you knew better: no one really
Knows you best: dunno
Best to hang out with when stressed: well if im with the right person/people i wont be stressed, but some people stress me out so it works both ways, sometimes just myself
Your best feature [personality]: even though im not really, i try to be as open minded as possible
Your biggest flaw [personality]: i can be a dick haha
Most annoying thing you do: dont remember all that i should!!
Biggest mistake you've made this far: done this quiz ( almost ) ummm too much to mention!!
Describe your personality in one word: well my english teacher used to say i was ''beastly'' but emmm id say ...easy going..??
The physical feature for which you are most often complimented: emmm ...haha my eyelashes!!!
A smell that makes you smile: ohhh...girls diesel, the white one <3
A city you'd like to visit: toooooooooooo manyyyyyyyyyyyy and tooooo manyyyyyy countries not just cities
A drink you order most often: lately ...water, but apple tango + vodka is quite good, has to be smirnoff but!!
A delicious dessert: yoghurt
A book you highly recommend: go buy dig bmx magazine!!!
The music you prefer while alone: just whatever, i listened to saddish ( if you like ) music the other night at nicolas for the first time in ages.....''on my own'' by the used is amazing...
A film you could watch over and over: romeo and juliet, always requested in english!!
A TV show you watch regularly: the O.C if it was onnn!!!
You live in: by the sea with puff the magic dragon
Your transportation: whatever i can get!!
Favorite Lyrics: awwwwk too much , orca and hawthorne heights have been played lots lately