Nov 18, 2004 10:03
There was the kind of rain that I hope no one has to be stuck in this morning. I think if I was homeless, I'd get arrested just so I wouldn't have to sleep outsied on nights like that.
I'm going to bring my camera with me a lot more these days. I just need more batteries for my flash!
And I'm really getting tired of my cat waking me up every morning. She sits outside my room and meows because she wants me to let her in to my closet. She loves jumping up and sleeping in my shirts, but she's shat in my room too many times for me to ever let her back in. So she can just fuck off. But I love her. I think she's lonely these days, so just isn't getting enough attention, because she hasn't purred this loud since we first got her and my dad wanted to name her Motor.