Aug 05, 2005 05:01
i went to hailey's(♥ ILOVEHER happy:D) nans today.
i saw matt n mark on the subwayyyyy they thought i was a paki:[ cause i had my hood on and it was wrapped around my shoulderss
and ew on the bus to her house this guy beside me smelled like bbbbbooooooo and then ofcourse he has to raise his arm right above me and stuff his armpit in my face and i was like eeeww:[. so yah we rented two movies.
Seed of Chuckie - LOL WORST MOVIE EVER. and the stupid little one is so ugly.. but so cute. it was all like But i don't want to be a murdererr and me and hailey were like awwwwwwww. um and can you say DOLLPORN in this movie. and Tiffany the girldoll is so pretty kekeke
Closer - i didn't watch the end cause i left but at first we didn't know what the hell was going on cause it was so confusing but then we figured it out. and i <3 jude law.
umumumum then i went home.
and i'm dprest cause hailey showed me this myspace blog of this guy and he did it for his gf or something and it has all this cutecutecute stuff and yah. so i'm sad