May 19, 2008 08:50
So it had been 9 months and 2 days since my last update. Holy space-age...
Kris and I have been together for 9 months, going on 10 in 2 weeks.
You guys know, but we graduate. In exactly 16 days from today, can you say WEIRD, not only weird but crazy, scary and different. HOLY SHIT.
At least I'll still be with Jazzmin, otherwise I would not be able to make it. She is my rock, she keeps me sane, most of the time. She keeps me mellow, that is a better discribing word, adjective if you will.
I'm 18, yeah that sweet. I have a job, its amazing and sucky all at the same time. I have not had a day off since mother's day, and will not be getting one til this coming wednesday. For you calendar-challenged people, that will be 3 days short of 2 work filled, little kid, argumentative filled, weeks.
I got accepted to college a while back, Febuary I'm guessing. I will be going to CMCC- Central Maine Community College to be exact, in the wonderful department of Early Childhood. Go figure right? I'm excited.
I got my permit earlier this month. It's about frigen time, I know. Next step buying a car. Then ya know getting a license. but who ever said I had to follow the law, I DO WHAT I WANT.
Yeah that's about it. Maybe I will update sometime next year haha. I will miss you guys when we separate.