Jun 27, 2005 18:37
so yeah Ive been kinda dropped off the face of the earth lately well besides going to the club all the time nobody has really seen me. i havent been hididng just doing other stuff i guess.
lets see ill try and recap if memory serves.
wensday:work. Bek quit her job. and got another one pretty much all in one day. club with andi allyssa and natalia. the beginning was pretty sucky we got there right before the mosh pit cause there was like this emmence amount of traffic and all four of us took forever getting ready. well except natalia. the pit was ehh soso. I was sitting down in the back when the boy I yelled at last week for being annoying talked to me and I apologized because I was really kind of mean for no reason and turned out to be a pretty nice kid. then I wound up chatting with crissys bf whos name excapes me yet again for a good hour almost exchanging life stories. good fun and we actually stayed till the complete and utter end. they turned on the lights and let people keep dancing and everyone just danced thier asses off and it was awesome. I like having the lights on in there for some reason. then to the pub with crissy and her bf and andi allyssa and natalia went home.
thursday:work. work has been really sweet my hours are 12-6 so i dont have to get up early and I can party whenever I want and no work on the weekends :) i was supposed to hang out with andrew but it didnt happe becasue bek made me go with her to home depot to get pops bday prez and the poepl were incredibly rude and no help at all not even the manager. bek allways thinks its cause shes gay. so we asked the manager for help and told him about all the shitty shit he was kinda like oh well and just sucked in general. so we dropped all the shit out of the cart and walked out. there goes a 200$ order for them. and we went to the other home depot. then we went to see sara jeffersona new kitten and they were tryin to come up with a name for it and I suggested lucy because shes fisty and has red hair just like i love lucy hehe. and it stuck. i rule. then we had birthday doughnuts at home.
friday: new club wich we were invited to by the lovely crissy and got in free. emerald city flux fridays.
EVERYONE SHOULD GO CAUSE IT ROCKS AND ITS ALL AGES!!!!! and plus it needs more people. we drove around for a half an hour tryin to find a parking spot and eventually got one right out front. we saw katie dance and it was cool good music too. some guy was giving amssages aon an actual massage table and it was 10$ a little rich for my blood. he seemed to be quite good at it. all spiritual and whatnot. hed be kinda cute if he wasnt all short. it was very amusing to watch him give messages. i should learn how to spell that. he got this one girl and she lays down and her ass is hanging out of her like lacy little skirt and he covered it up by like taking the skirt like it was infested with germs and he was afraid to touch it and pulled it down. halairious.
saturday:umm... sat around most of the day then baby sat for two of the girls at my daycare. one 2 year old and one 5 year old. it was good. the cat kept making wierd noises once they went to sleep and it was freaking me out. I was so scared that theyd wake up and come out when i was outside smoking for some reason. the living room was right outside thier moms room where they were sleeping (they dont sleep in thier own rooms for some reason, they have thier own rooms they just dont sleep in them.) and the tv was like eith super loud or there was like litterally no sound at all. so i was like all paranoid about waking them up. just paranoid in general. then her mom and sister were too drunk to drive me home so he friend did and some guy who was very talkative and cursed alot and I felt all akward.
sunday:swam for like 2 hours went to ihop for pancakes then went walmarting and got an awesome pair of cords. off season i know. watch boogey man wich was ehh... ok. and I usually like every movie I see.
today: work. this. then probly nothing but sleep.
plans for the rest of the week:
tuesday: nothing probly staying in again to save money.
wensday: hopefully going to the club. I'm gonna ask ashley if she wants to go but if she dosent then I know of a few toher people who might be going.
thurday: maybee hang with andrew finally?
friday: club
ugh im tiered of typing.