Jan 14, 2008 13:16
i doubt that this has any relevance to anybody. but i would advise not taking douglas frey for chemistry. as he is pretty much a total prick. that makes you pay to use two different websites in addition to the books you buy. oh... and b/c he has a zero tolerance attendance policy for a 3 day a week 8 a.m. class with 64 people and the first absence subtracts 15 points from 10% of your grade and 10 points for a tardy. lest we forget the moronic way in which you have to wake up and take an online quiz b/n 6&8 a.m. before pretty much every class period and when not quizzes when you arrive. though you don't know which until you wake up early to take it or not. not to mention he just is a total fuck in general. if only i could take it a different semester, however he's the only one teaching it this semester. and he's my lab instructor. i really can't wait till 5 to sit with him for another 2 hours today. he makes me a very upset emily.
the website i've paid for is eduspace. which he said did everything we need. i have a temporary thing with webassign, but it runs out this week. so i asked him if you could tell me what i need webassign for that eduspace doesn't do before i bought a second subscription.
Emily, you need to come to class to find out what's going...end of story. You were here Wed., absent Fri. and today. You only have two more
absences before I drop you with an 'F'. Come and see me if you're serious about this course and I'll then give you the information that you seek.
Douglas Frey
which i found strange b/c a. i was there (early) , b. i signed in, and c. took the quiz that we turned in.
i really love starting my morning's with such a moron. i do indeed. but i get to go to genetics after it where dr. reed is very sweet, nice professor man.
other than ass frey my schedule is nice and pleasant. well... we'll see really i guess. but i think i'll enjoy it... though i'm a little concerned about physics.