A is for Age: 17
B is for Booze of choice: 99 apples, captnmorgans, just not beer.
C is for Crush: my boyfriend.
D is for your Dog's name(s): blue
E is for Event you're going to next: hmm. dont know.
F is for Food you wish you can have now: mashed potatoes.
G is for favorite Game: circle of death
H is for Hometown: ROC.
I is for Instruments you play: i used to play piano
J is for Jam or Jelly you like: i don't.
K is for Kids? yes, okay/ i'm giving in. he makes me want babies.
L is for Last kiss? mm friday night
M is for Mall of choice: marketplace
N is for Neighbor's Name: i dont know
O is for Operations: several... back, wisdom teeth, shoulder, wrist, knee, toe
P is for Pictures on your desk: che and theres jon and i in a frame and a flower and the dendros.
Q is for quotes you like: "is it the rising roofline that makes me feel so swallowed whole? or is it the way that my body barely pricks the sky"
R is for Relationship that lasted the longesT: 8 months....
S is for Sexual preference: boys
T is for Time you wake up: weekdays 7 and weekends noonish
U is for Underwear you're wearing: right now, i'm not.
V is for Vegetable you love: lots of them
W is for Worst habit: worrying
X is for x-rays you've had: lots, probably everything
Y is for Yahoo or AOL: aim.
Z is for favorite Zoo animal: giraffe!