School is scary. And I managed to throw away my weekend. Dan it. Yesterday my brother paid me a visit (not that I don't see him from time to time, but it's different for him to actually come over to my Grandmother's place). Either way, there was a lot of time wasted talking. XDD Not that I have anything against it and my school work had gone to
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1. The first character I fell in love with:
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
3. The character everyone else loves that I don't:
4. The character I love that everyone else hates:
I doubt there is any ;)
5. The character I would shag anytime:
Ah, they’re just kids… maybe an older!Taichi
6. The character I'd want to be like:
7. The character I'd slap:
8. A pairing that I love:
9. A pairing that I despise:
Sorato aka Yamato/Sora
10. Favourite character:
11. What are your five favourite things about your fandom?
realistic and in-depth characters, realistic character development, every unique and well developed plot, in depth meanings and themes, continuance(how even insignificant details turn out to have a greater meaning later on)
12. What are your five least favourite things about your fandom?
Sorato, general portrayal of female characters, Yoshino's voice (worst voice acting I've witnessed), not enough appreciation and acknowledgement, being underrated and dismissed as "another Pokémon" which it's most definitely NOT.
13. Who are your five favourite characters?
Taichi, Ken, Takuya, Koji, Kouichi
14. Who are your five least favourite characters?
Yoshino, 2nd season!Sora, 2nd season!Hikari, Miyako, Izumi,
15. What are your five favourite pairings?
Daisuke/Ken, Takuya/Kouji, Taichi/Yamato, Taichi/Sora, Masaru/Toma
16. What are your five least favourite pairings?
Yamato/Sora, Yoshino/Masaru, Yoshino/Toma, Ken/Miyako, Takuya/Izumi
17. Which character are you most like?
18. What is your deep, dark fandom secret?
Not very deep and dark, but I have yet to finish the 3rd and 5th season of Digimon. Mostly to do with time, a little to do with not liking them as much as the other 3 seasons.. Also: Digimon is the reason I used to dislike yaoi and was my introduction to it (yes, learned the most important terms etc. as well). I didn’t like how the fandom was pairing up the guys, who were just kids!(They can't know their sexual orientation yet!!) It didn’t help that the Finnish dub made Taichi/Yamato even slashier. XDD
And damn. XD I knew that the German people shouldn't have changed the names! ^^" Well, don't mind. I know some of the Japanese naes! XD (for example yamato is called MATT in germany (which fits him, me thinks)...)
7. I never realized how much hated Sora was after I saw the 2nd season and read some fics...^^" It's so sad since she was my favourite person (before I got into shonen-ai xDD) and she was such a failure in the second season..*sigh*
12. TOTALLY AGREED @ general portrayal of female characters (there are more than bitches who are female! XD), and the "another Pokémon thing" *sighs*
18. XD You have to "oversee" the Kid-part...*sighs* First: There ARE hints. Second: They sometimes don't act like kiddies! ^^" Even though some things were pretty childish which I think it is good since they were only that young. But maybe it would have been better if they were a LITTLE bit older than..oO 10?? xD
>> It didn’t help that the Finnish dub made Taichi/Yamato even slashier. XDD
*____* TELL! XD What did they do??
Anyhow.. in that light changed answers.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
3. The character everyone else loves that I don't:
6. The character I'd want to be like:
7. The character I'd slap:
8. A pairing that I love:
13. Who are your five favourite characters?
Taichi, Agumon, Wizardmon, Hikari, Sora
14. Who are your five least favourite characters?
Don't really have any...
15. What are your five favourite pairings?
Taichi/Yamato, Taichi/Sora, Takeru/Hikari, Koshiro/Mimi
16. What are your five least favourite pairings?
Yamato/Sora. That's it. XDD
XDD the German names are the US names. Same with Swedish names.. Yeah, I watched those. XDD I re-watched season one entirely in German (they at least keep the dialogue, although they changed the names)
7. Exactly. Poor Sora. I don't really dislike her, but I lost the like for her...
12. YES!! There are faar less female characters, and they aren't even close as efficient as the guys. "the two main guys" kick ass of course. Oh and the "Pokémon is better than Digimon". I know everyone has their own opinion, but it's NOT. XDD
18. XDDD You don't have to tell me that now XDD But oh yes, that's another interesting point. they're kids, yet at times they act like they're much other. It seems natural that the situation has forced them to be more mature, but for example Yamato's depression (not to mention Ken's in season 2) was not normal for such a young boy..
Ah, the Finnish dub... the part when Agumon and Gabumon warp digivolve to the mega level and before that Angemon and Angewoman throw cast the arrows of light and hope at taichi and Yamato.. the dialogue.. after Yamato tells Taichi not to let go, Taichi tells Yamato to hold him (and not hold his hand, but HIM), the wording was odd (even in Finnish) and the guys' voices.. yeah.. XDD
asjdlkfjalskdjalskdjf SO AGREED on 16...*_____* And really I don't know why, but THANK YOU for NOT HATING SORA! XD
I always liked to compare myself with Sora, I always tried to be like her, when Digimon was new or when there was only the first season...^^" And somehow I still don't want her to be insulted..*sighs*
Yeah, I thought so too, that they took the English names...^^" They take too many things from England/America..*sighs*
12. It's totally not. Digimon is different than Pokémon. And Pokémon was - in my opinion - a very, very good series. I loved it... Gosh, HOW MUCH I loved both..xD but now Pokémon is just riddiculous...T_T
18. Yes~ they act MUCH older, but sometimes they really are like little kids..xD but in general they act like 14 till 17 year old people, I would say! ^^
OMFG - alsjdflaksdjflksajfs HOW AWESOME! *________* "Hold me"... *dies away* xD
Especially since in Yaoi "Hold me" always means "F*ck me" <3
I don't hate Sora. Far from it. Notice: she was one of my faves during the 1st season, as was Hikari. I just didn't like either in the 2nd season, but I don't HATE them. XDD Yup, Sora was a tomboy. I could relate to her well. XDD
They shouldn't do that!! They did the same with YGO!!! Noooo
But really, as long as the dialogue is intact, it's okay. XDD
12. I also REALLY liked Pokémon. I was 15 when it began to air, and I wanted to watch it, but was wary.. since I was so old already. XDD The first season was great. A few following seasons had their moments (I've even CRIED while watching Pokémon XDD) but it to TOO repetitive later on. Nothing new. Digimon has a plot. Each season has its own STORY (quite different from any Pokémon story), even.
18. *nods* Their problems were more typical for teenagers (Yamato's teenage angst), but on the other hand they have a very naïve view of world.
XDDDDDD Seriously, I don't think the dubbers/translators got that at all.
yeah, that's true... XDD the Finnish expression though wouldn't be understood in that way.. I think..
What is a tomboy? :O
-_____- Yes, I hate them for that! T___T I want the REAL names... but then I think that the name Joey Wheeler just fits... whatever his name in Japanese is..XD omg..*fails* the best friend of yugi? ^^ yonou or something like that? x_X
12. *nod nod nod nod* T________T I SO CRIED WHEN ASH LEFT GLURAK! (okay, i guess they have different names. The fire pokémon that at first didn't listen to him when he envolved..T_T) God, how could he do such a thing? HE cried but that wasn't enough! XD or when Rocko&Misty parted from Ash - which was in a really late season and than this stupid girl with her brother came..-_________-
XDD Sometime the names are fitting. And Katsuya Jonouchi. :D
XDD DUKE DEVLIN... one of my pet peeves. I complained to my brother that Duke is a dog's name. XDD
12. OMG!!!! That's EXACTLY the part I cried!!! I mean, I just couldn't help myself!! I remember having to purse my lips when Butterfree (the butterfly Pokémon that was just a caterpillar at the beginning) left, but this was too much! Charmander (Glumanda) was my FAVOUROTE Pokémon BY FAR. It evolved waaay to quickly. (I'm bitter than Pikachu is still freaking Pikachu)
Ah, that part when the two left Ash wasn't that bad. XDD I missed Gary!!! DARN IT!!! Oh, and when those other two brats came along I pretty much gave up Pokémon completely. :Da
Yeah - Matt ist perfect, me thinks.
XDD Well he did look like a dog sometimes...^^ even though Joey was the dog, of course..;P
12. YES! T____T I was really sad that Butterfree went away, but I thought: well, having a family.. why not. If he's happy... but Charmander (ah, I remember! XD)... really...*cries* I also almost cried when the third evolution of Charmander refused to fight against the other Pikachu in the first season...*sighs* but when he went away... omg.. I was SO crying...D:
Yeah... there are a lot of garyxash hints later...;D A LOT! <3 ^^" Yeah, me too, but I had the chance to see it once in a while - it's so shitty...*cries*
Matt was perfect? You mean the name?
XDD HOW does Otogi look like a DOG?? XDD Jonouchi is the dog, yes you're right. XDD (and I mean he really is. In terms of loyalty and following Yugi around ;) )
12. Yeah, good point.
XDD I went all "ooh.. Charizard doesn't think Pikachu is worthy opponent. TAKE THAT!" I actually didn't find it that bad. Ash should have known better than to use a Pokémon he can't even control to do that. The match was quite predictable, but not bad, since Ash lost. XDD
And yeah, Charizard's departure: the ONLY time I cried while watching Pokémon. XD
Lots of Gary/Ash hints LATER?? But he's not even there anymore!!!
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